• Resolved selinaxxx



    you have a very nice plugin here, but it would be the best if two more options were added.

    First, can you make it possible to make available only selected categories to show in dropdown? you have exclude option, but i have thousands of categories and i want only 50-60 of them to show there, so, instead of picking thousands of categories to exclude, can i just pick certain categories to show?

    Secondly, it would be awesome if ranges were within range sliders instead of dropdown etc..



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  • Plugin Author TC.K


    For the first question, you can change the exclude to include by using this filter `uwpqsf_taxonomy_arg()’.


    add_filter('uwpqsf_taxonomy_arg', 'exclude_to_include');
    function exclude_to_include($args,$taxname,$formid){
      $newarg = array();
      $newarg['hide_empty'] = $args['hide_empty'];
      $newarg['include'] = $args['exclude'];
     return $newarg;

    Note that, when you using this filter to change to include, DO NOT check the option Exclude the term from being searched. Otherwise it will bring you troubles.

    Secondly, it would be awesome if ranges were within range sliders instead of dropdown etc..

    I have range addon plugin which can do this, please goto here.

    Thread Starter selinaxxx


    thanks, will try that.

    will you be integrating that include option into the plugin in future releases?

    Plugin Author TC.K


    I don’t think so.

    I came to the support forum to ask the same thing, and great to see that there is a solution provided by the author himself! ?? Thank you.

    It’s really an amazing plugin and the only thing I was missing was the inlcude option instead of exlude.

    But if I may ask, is it not better to integrate this option in future releases and let the user choose which options they want to use?

    For example: I use alot of tags, and almost everyday I add a few new tags. When I add new tags I have to edit the forms manually. This is time consuming and with an inlcude option I would not have to edit the forms.

    Thank you again!

    Plugin Author TC.K


    Well, seem this features has been requested by many users. So, maybe I will add this feature in the future update. However, I am not giving any promise right now, I will consider it but I can’t be 100% sure will add it in the plugin.

    Good to hear and I understand you. I appreciate it anyways.

    Thanks (for your quick reply)! ??

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