• Resolved Gjaevert


    Thanks for a great plugin.
    If i just paste my-url.com/teams/teamname/ i get the table I want, but it doesnt include the right CSS for my main area.
    So if you check out my URL the main grey area doesnt fill correpsondetly to my player tiles.


    And when I try to paste the Taxonomy.php code into one of my regular theme.php files I dont get it to work, it only displays the player-tile, but without any info, so it looks like it cant connect to the player-plugin.

    Do you have any guide for pasting the taxonomy type of layout to my default theme.php layout?

    Or do you have any way the “regular” taxonomy.php could be included in my main area?(see my link)


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  • Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hi Gjaevert-
    I looked at the page you referenced and it looks pretty good. (Looks like you didn’t give player #1 a name.) Could you tell me exactly what the layout problem is? I’m not getting it.

    Maybe we are saying the same thing, but you can’t really “paste the taxonomy type into your default layout”. That template has to stay with that name. So I think of it that you add your header, footer sidebar, etc. to the taxonomy, which it appears you did.

    It’s definitely expected that you will have to tailor the css to your theme either using the settings page or editing the stylesheet or both. You may have to create more specific rules (that take precedence over the ‘defaults’) with things like .your-class1 #your-ID1 .mstw-class1 p.mstw-class2. (Hope you get the idea.)

    Let me know if I can help more.

    Thread Starter Gjaevert


    Hi again.

    I have fixed the problem with editing the theme CSS. But have a new problem.

    I use a plugin on my page for password-protecting every page so it requires login. But that wont work on my team-page. The page displays the team right away, but I want it to check for a login like every other page first.

    Do you have any idea how to fix this?

    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hi Gjaevert,
    Glad to hear you fixed the CSS.

    What plugin are you using? Without a link and some more info it’s hard to say, but my guess would be that you need to add a snippet of code to the template (I would think it would be in the header??) that does the check.

    The plugin only displays the player gallery. It’s up to you to wrap your theme around that. Send me a link and the plugin name and I’ll poke around when I get a chance.


    I have 3 teams – freshman, jr varsity and varsity. Each has a team page – i.e. the slug for Varsity is varsity-team-roster. Originally this was working now the team roster doesn’t show anything – just a balnk page.

    I have the following page that list the player roster;


    At the bottom of this page I have a link to the following team page:

    <em id=”__mceDel”> To see information and photos on all of the varsity players visit the Grossmont Foothillers Varsity Team Gallery.

    This used to show a page that included photos etc. of each player on that team (in this case varsity). Now when I click on that link it takes me to this page:


    But it is now blank. I don;t know aht happpened or what I may be doing wrong. I have the same issue with the freshman and jr varsity rosters.

    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hi donnieboy,
    First, your site looks great (Now if the Hillers could only beat the RB Broncos you’d have it made!! JK. My sons played LAX — the true American sport — but I grew up a Giants fan so I’m liking baseball the last few years!)

    Second, thanks for all the great info you provided. That REALLY helps me out and few people provide that. (The only missing pieces are the version of the plugin and of WordPress. But no biggie at this point.)

    As for the site, if it was working before, what did you change? Always the first place to look and usually the right place to look. ??

    The taxonomy page seems to be there, but there’s no data. So
    (a) Are you SURE the permalink is right? If so,

    (b) Try resetting the permalinks (as described in this forum, or just google it).

    Let me know.



    The permalinks maybe a problem, not sure. This is what I have set for permalinks:

    Custom Structure: https://www.foothillersbaseball.com/%post_id%-%postname%

    Does this presents a problem” If so, why?

    BTW – we have friends on RB and they are definitely a cross-county rival and we don’t play them that often – usually in the playoffs and off course we always want to beat them.

    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Your permalinks look good on your pages and your individual player pages. So I don’t think your permalinks are “a problem”, but sometimes they need to be reset. You can do this by changing them to anything. Saving. Then changing them back to where they were. I recommend you try Postname and see what happens.

    Let me know. I can look at your site more later this week if necessary. We’ll figure it out.


    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hey …


    looks pretty awesome to me! Mind if I link it as a sample from my page?



    I had not checked back to see your request. You can use it as a sample if you wish.


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