• I just tried out IncludeMe. Excellent useful plugin. It works. I just donated $10 to you.

    I have a request for a very similar plugin or perhaps a setting. What I would like to be able to do is have IncludeMe operate everytime <!–more–> is triggered using a designated universal file. This way I would not have to go back over my 2,000 existing posts and put in the IncludeMe code.

    Normally there is the picture and first paragraph of text in a post on my blog that goes along something like this and then below it we find the more tag so that the front page only shows the first part of the post…
    [includeme file=”/SMFIncludeMes/test.txt”]
    And then the second paragraph of my post begins and I talk about more stuff. If I’ve added the [Includeme…] above then something gets included. but it would be great if the IncludeMe plugin could reprogram the <!–more–> automatically do the above IncludeMe without having to add it to every post so it would look like below.

    Normally there is the picture and first paragraph of text in a post on my blog that goes along something like this and then below it we find the more tag so that the front page only shows the first part of the post…
    But now in this wonderful new bright world there is new functionality because the IncludeMe plugin has a default file it includes with <!–more–> every time even on old posts. One might want to have some exceptions to the rule. Life gets a little more complicated…

    This would be very useful and worth another donation. Not sure if this should maybe be a completely separate but similar plugin so as not to confuse functions.

    Again, thank you for the great plugin.

    [signature removed in accordance with forum rules]


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