• Resolved Lex-Luthor



    When i install wp4.4 in my remote vps the step for change lenguaje doesn’t appear. And then after the instalation, when i try do it in General Settings. This warning are on top.

    Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with www.ads-software.com or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. (WordPress could not establish a secure connection to www.ads-software.com. Please contact your server administrator.) in /…/wp-admin/includes/translation-install.php on line 59

    And change lenguaje option is hidden.

    Any ideas? Thanks

    PHP Version 5.2.17
    MySQL Version 5.1.73-cll

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  • Moderator James Huff


    That happens if the server is running an out-of-date version of OpenSSL, which considering the versions of PHP and MySQL seems likely.

    Please make sure that your server is running OpenSSL 1.0.2e.

    While you’re at it, see if your hosting provider is willing to upgrade PHP and MySQL for you. PHP 5.2.17 was released January 2011, and MySQL 5.1.73 was released December 2013.

    Thank you very much! I replace openssl in php ext folder with new version and now wordprees work fine… WordPress 3 work with earlier openssl but wordpress 4 doesn’t… THANK YOU James!!!!!

    Moderator James Huff


    You’re welcome!

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