• Hi,
    According to WordPress, you can only post on a page once. Is there a way (plugin possibly?) that I can blog on a page, not just HOME but on other pages that I have created????
    Thank you for any help!

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  • Does the correct link show up in the address bar when you click on the Fashion menu item?

    Thread Starter d4dsign


    i’m not sure what you mean by “fashion menu item” but i’m guessing you mean when i click on my fashion page. when i do click on that, the link says ‘https://www.mysite.com/fashion’ in the address bar (and the page doesn’t show my fashion post). should i possibly change the url 2 ‘https://www.mysite.com/category/fashion’ so it immediately takes me to the fashion category posts w/out the hassle??? or is there a different way? b/c i’d like the fashion page to JUST have the url of ‘https://www.mysite.com/fashion’, and not the ‘/category/fashion’ option.

    By ‘fashion menu item’, I mean the word Fashion in a menu where you have added the Fashion Page to the menu.

    Please explain exactly what you mean by ‘click on my fashion page.’.

    Once this is set up correctly, just clicking on the fashion menu item will take you to the Fashion category and show ‘https://mysite.com/category/fashion’ in the address bar.

    If you really want the URL to say just ‘https://mysite.com/fashion’, then you will need to create a template and assign it to the Fashion Page.

    Just another thought – Are you using the WP Menus under Admin->Appearance to create your menu?

    If so, you do not need a Fashion Page. Just use the Custom Link box to create a fashion menu item. Put ‘https://mysite.com/category/fashion’ in the URL box and ‘Fashion’ in the Label box and add it to your menu.

    Thread Starter d4dsign


    I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK!!!! I didn’t even know about the menu option before you mentioned it! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! Everything is working now! I really appreciate your help! but 1 more question, you said in your previous comment that i need to create a template…how do i do that? (so my page only says ‘https://mysite.com/fashion’)

    Thread Starter d4dsign


    i also have a “follow us on twitter” widget. it’s just from the twitter site (it’s not a wordpress plugin or anything) and it looks like a rectangle with the words “follow us on twitter” inside of it…when users click on it, it takes them to my twitter page. however, it doesn’t open the twitter page in a new window or tab, but quits my blog and takes me to the twitter page instead. how can i make this widget open in a new window or tab when a user clicks on it? thank you if you know anything that could help!

    For the twitter link, if you can edit the HTML, add ‘target=”_blank” inside the <a tag like this:
    <a target="_blank" href=...

    Creating the template for TwentyTen is more than I can explain in a short reply. Here is a short outline.

    • Create a copy of index.php and name it ‘fashion.php’
    • Add code to the top of fashion.php to make it a template named ‘Fashion Page’ (see my earlier replies)
    • Change the call to get_template part to this: get_template_part( 'loop', 'fashion' );
    • Make a copy of loop.php and name it loop-fashion.php
    • Add a call to query_posts to get the category just ahead of the if (have_posts()) call
    • Creat a new blank Page and assign it the ‘Fashion Page’ template
    Thread Starter d4dsign


    Thank you for the info on the twitter link! I’ve got that working now ?? Currently working on the template, I’ll tell you how it goes when I finish!

    Thread Starter d4dsign


    I’m not that familiar with wordpress (as you can probably see). Could you perhaps post the longer version of how to do what you said in your latest reply on your site? If it’s not too much work for you. I understand you’re probably busy with other things that don’t have to do with helping me! If not, I’m not really sure how to do anything you said above! (Like make the copy of the .php files, add the codes, or the call.) I’m so sorry though for asking so many questions! But you’re VERY helpful and I didn’t know who else to turn to! Thanks again!

    Thread Starter d4dsign


    And also, in your post, you said a new blank page. I’m using menus so does this option still apply???

    Please use this Contact Me page to continue this as it is too long/complex to complete using this forum.

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