• Resolved Deepak



    Lately I noticed that tablepress is having incompatibility problem with mailpoet plugin.

    With mailpoet plugin enabled
    and also WP_DEBUG enabled in wp-config.php
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

    If I try to save Tablepress -> Plugin Options -> Save

    then I get these errors on the console:

    View post on imgur.com

    If I disable debug in wp-config.php then I don’t get any errors on the console though.


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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your question, and sorry for the trouble.

    From what I can see, this is indeed caused by a conflict. Both TablePress and Mailpoet are using the external CSSTidy PHP library (to clean and sanitize CSS code).

    Unfortunately, I don’t have an easy solution right now, but will try to find something for the next release.

    Thanks for letting me know about this!

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter Deepak


    Thank you for the quick response.

    I had one more query. Have you removed the inline-css functionality lately? As I was analysing that part when I happened to stumble upon this error

    I remember earlier I used to see multiple inline CSS entries from tablepress “Plugin Options” in the HTML section but I couldn’t find it now.

    I was playing around with the tablepress CSS to dequeue on select pages and I am afraid if I have broken something or if the inline-css functionality not used anymore? As my custom CSS from “Plugin Options” are working even though there are not loaded inline.

    I hope I didn’t confuse you.


    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Deepak,

    I’m not sure that I understand. What do you mean with “inline CSS” functionality?


    Thread Starter Deepak


    Hello Tobias,

    Sorry for the confusion.

    Can you please help me understand how the CSS from TablePress “Plugin Options” are loaded? Which stylesheet is used to load these styles?


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    TablePress stores the CSS in three files /wp-content/tablepress-....css (regular, minified and combined with the default CSS).
    To influence loading on various pages, you should use filter hooks. This is a bit tricky, please see https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/load-tablespress-addons-only-on-a-certain-page/ and https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/removing-tablepress-combined-min-css-from-the-pages-that-dont-use-tablepress/ for some ideas.


    Thread Starter Deepak


    Hi Tobias,

    I am actually familiar with the process you had shared these links earlier in another of my case.

    I am just confused because in one of the events I had seen all the custom css from plugin options was getting added inline in the HTML using tablepress-inline-css (or something similar)

    and I am not able to see this stylesheet anymore lately so was just wondering if I did something wrong.

    Now I only have tablepress-default-css and tablepress-responsive-tables-css, so that should be sufficient right?

    Sample page:

    Thanks for clarifying this.


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    ah, now I understand. TablePress does indeed load the CSS code inline (directly embedded into the HTML code), when it can’t use the CSS files. This can for example happen if they don’t exist (e.g. if someone deleted them from wp-content), or if they couldn’t be written in the first place (e.g. due to file access problems).

    What you are seeing now is the recommended scenario, with the CSS now being loaded from the files, which can be cached then.


    Thread Starter Deepak


    Perfect, Thanks again for your help and considering the request to fix the compatibility issue.


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    no problem, you are very welcome! ?? Good to hear that this helped!

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!

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