• Resolved khobs


    Hello Jose,

    I see you still working hard on that project and congratulations about it ! I would be out of the service without your plugin !

    So I have 2 parts for this post.

    1 – First one : Incompatibility with the plugin UI Press

    Whole page is totally bugged, can’t even play to do something. Screenshot here : https://i.postimg.cc/Fr6cZygP/chrome-f-KP3-Eeq8-Ye.png

    My idea was to put a back-end url : */wp-admin/admin.php?page=eos* and disable this plugin but I can’t do that before activating the plugin, and after, I can’t.
    I will check if there is a way in database after that.

    2 – Having a label field for URLS

    See the screenshot : https://i.postimg.cc/504PSw-B9/chrome-6m-T9k-Ydp01.png
    Well, should be enough to understand my little pain here.
    I’m better at destroying things with php then adding so I didn’t try myself to use a hook to create my own label field but I think it could be useful to have this not only for me.

    3 – Little extra

    Some plugins don’t let me do any modifications in back-end singles page.
    I mean for some, I can disable every plugins I want, and for the others, I can’t even disable one even if it’s not linked to that plugin.

    Do you have any infos about it ? It’s not a big deal but well, your plugin is already almost perfect so that’s the only bad things I’ve experienced for 1+ year usage.

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  • Plugin Author Jose


    Hi @khobs thank you very much!

    1) I’ve right now tested the free version of UI Press, but I don’t have the same issue. Do you have this issue with the PRO version? Or maybe it’s a matter of settings or a conflict with a third plugin.

    To investigate this issue I suggest you do the following tests:

    – Add this line of code in the functions.php of your child theme if any, or in a functional plugin:

    add_filter( 'fdp_dequeue_styles','__return_false' );

    If you don’t have any functional plugin you can create it with FDP in Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Tools (second icon in the main FDP navigation) => Create custom plugin.

    As a default FDP unloads the stylesheets of other plugins and many stylesheets of the core when you load a settings page of FDP. With the filter above it will load all.
    If you don’t have anymore the same issue we can investigate deeper, but we already know that it has something to do with that.

    – The same as above, but for the JS scripts. You can add this line of code:

    add_filter( 'fdp_dequeue_scripts','__return_false' );

    – Add this line in wp-config.php before the comment /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    define( 'FDP_DISABLE_IN_FDP_PAGE',array( 'uipress/uipress.php' ) );

    By doing so, FDP will completely unload UI Press when you load an FDP page.
    If the issue is with the PRO version, you will need to replace uipress/uipress.php with the right path of the PRO version.

    In any case, */wp-admin/admin.php?page=eos* in Backend => Backend URLs will not work for the FDP setting pages. On those pages, FDP already disables the assets of the other plugins, but it needs that their PHP code runs. It will disable the entire plugins only if you define FDP_DISABLE_IN_FDP_PAGE in wp-config.php as I mentioned before.

    If the issue is not solved, try adding other plugins to the array. It will be something that looks like this:

    define( ‘FDP_DISABLE_IN_FDP_PAGE’,array( ‘uipress/uipress.php’,’plugin-folder-name/plugin-main-file-name.php’ ) );

    You will probably solve the issue by defining that constant, but it would be great if we understand why you have this issue with UI Press.

    If you have the PRO version of UI Press, and you confirm that the issue occurs only with the PRO version if you want you can provide it to me using the contact form at https://freesoul-deactivate-plugins.com/contact/, and I will try to reproduce the problem.

    2) THis is a good idea, thank you for the suggestion.

    However, I suspect that you are disabling plugins in the backend on the single post editing pages, aren’t you? If so, it would be better for you to use the settings that you find in Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Baakend => Backend => Singles => Edit Single Post (or Edit Single Page, Edit Single …).
    See the screenshot https://freesoul-deactivate-plugins.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/freesoul-deactivate-plugins-backend-single-post.png

    In any case, the idea of custom labels is something that I will take into account for future versions.

    3) I’m not sure I’ve understood what you mean.
    I understand this: on some single custom posts you can see the FDP section like in the screenshot https://freesoul-deactivate-plugins.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/deactivate-plugins-single-post.png, and on other single custom posts you don’t see it.

    FDP can disable plugins only if the custom post type is registered as publicly queriable.

    I think it would be easier if you give the example of a concrete case where you cannot disable plugins.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Jose.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Jose.
    Thread Starter khobs


    Hey @giuse

    1) Which free version ? I can’t find a free version of that plugin : https://uipress.co/

    I did try on a neutral dev environment to be sure it’s not related to settings and I can confirm it is not.

    I’m not having the issue on the “main page” of the plugin but with all others. Like eos_dp_by_post_type or eos_dp_url or eos_dp_by_term_archive&eos_dp_tax=category

    Here is a look : https://i.postimg.cc/rF8bGR7v/0.png
    With styles filter : https://i.postimg.cc/rwHPLnzk/1.png
    With styles + scripts filter : https://i.postimg.cc/TwV7gT0d/2.png

    Seems well better with both !

    If I disable the plugin from wp-config, it is working 100% as intended and got no issue like this.

    So my 2) is well related to my 3) and I got a fix, if I can say so.

    Demo of the situation :
    I want to disable all plugins except the LearnDash plugin when I’m editing Questions.
    I disable them, then I save.
    If I reload the page, it is back to everything is active.
    And if I check by myself, it is not working.

    And now I got the “why”, if I go far below, I can find another line about Questions.
    And this time, it is working as intended.
    And last and, when I make my choices below, it is then synced with the lines above that are not working.
    So I will delete 10 lines in my back-end url, that will help !

    I did a full reset of my settings in FDP, I am now working on disabling slowly everything to make it smooth again. I’m not sure if I will experienced the same issue with other plugins.

    Well, just watching it, Mailster plugin have 3 lines for the same post type, so same issue as LearnDash.

    Thank you anyways for your support, very fast as always !

    I was thinking about another thing too, because I’m in that akward situation of having almost 100 plugins.
    Is there a way when I add a new plugin to have it turned off everywhere and then I choose manually where I want it to be turned on. It’s a specific usage because most of the time now, when I add a plugin, I need to remember all the areas where I want it disabled. And there is farm more area where I want a plugin disabled than areas where I want it to be on.

    A little question about the Import/Export settings in Pro Version.

    If I export my actual settings, let’s say with 80 plugins set as I want.
    What happens if I import them on a stage site where there are only 40 of them ?
    Nothing should be broke right ?
    And, if in the future I add the new plugins but from my 80 list. Do they have a fresh start in settings or they will be automatically set with the right ones ?

    Thank you again for your time !

    Plugin Author Jose


    Hi @khobs you are welcome!

    You can get the free version if you click on the button “Get Started” next to “Get UiPress Lite for free”.

    If you want you can upload the release candidate It will fix the issue with UI Press. Let me know if it works also for the PRO version.
    It also fixes the issue with the duplicated rows for the same post type. Now they are synchronized.

    About your questions.

    Is there a way when I add a new plugin to have it turned off everywhere and then I choose manually where I want it to be turned on.

    With the PRO version, you can decide if you want to activate or deactivate the new plugins: https://freesoul-deactivate-plugins.com/how-deactivate-plugiins-on-specific-pages/main-settings/

    If I export my actual settings, let’s say with 80 plugins set as I want.
    What happens if I import them on a stage site where there are only 40 of them ?
    Nothing should be broke right ?
    And, if in the future I add the new plugins but from my 80 list. Do they have a fresh start in settings or they will be automatically set with the right ones ?

    Nothing will be broken. If you activate a plugin after importing the settings, it will be automatically set according to the imported settings, BUT only if you didn’t save any settings.
    I will do an example. Imagine you have plugins A, B, and C on the live site. On
    the staging site, you have only plugins A and B active. You export the settings from the live site and import them to the staging site.
    If after the importing you activate C, then it will take the settings that you had on the live site, BUT if you save for example the Singles settings, and then you activate C, C will not take the Singles settings of the live site, because when you save the settings, FDP will consider only the plugins that you have active in that moment, and it will override the settings that you imported before. But in this example, it will take the imported settings for the other settings like Post Types, Archives…

    Let me know if you still have issues with

    Have a great day!


    Thread Starter khobs


    Hello @giuse

    Oh that’s right, didn’t see that !

    Sadly the fix didn’t work with the PRO version, I’ve used your contact form to send you the plugin.

    Well well well, that means my next step will be buy the Pro licence then !
    Thanks for the explanation !

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