Hi @khobs thank you very much!
1) I’ve right now tested the free version of UI Press, but I don’t have the same issue. Do you have this issue with the PRO version? Or maybe it’s a matter of settings or a conflict with a third plugin.
To investigate this issue I suggest you do the following tests:
– Add this line of code in the functions.php of your child theme if any, or in a functional plugin:
add_filter( 'fdp_dequeue_styles','__return_false' );
If you don’t have any functional plugin you can create it with FDP in Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Tools (second icon in the main FDP navigation) => Create custom plugin.
As a default FDP unloads the stylesheets of other plugins and many stylesheets of the core when you load a settings page of FDP. With the filter above it will load all.
If you don’t have anymore the same issue we can investigate deeper, but we already know that it has something to do with that.
– The same as above, but for the JS scripts. You can add this line of code:
add_filter( 'fdp_dequeue_scripts','__return_false' );
– Add this line in wp-config.php before the comment /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
define( 'FDP_DISABLE_IN_FDP_PAGE',array( 'uipress/uipress.php' ) );
By doing so, FDP will completely unload UI Press when you load an FDP page.
If the issue is with the PRO version, you will need to replace uipress/uipress.php with the right path of the PRO version.
In any case, */wp-admin/admin.php?page=eos* in Backend => Backend URLs will not work for the FDP setting pages. On those pages, FDP already disables the assets of the other plugins, but it needs that their PHP code runs. It will disable the entire plugins only if you define FDP_DISABLE_IN_FDP_PAGE in wp-config.php as I mentioned before.
If the issue is not solved, try adding other plugins to the array. It will be something that looks like this:
define( ‘FDP_DISABLE_IN_FDP_PAGE’,array( ‘uipress/uipress.php’,’plugin-folder-name/plugin-main-file-name.php’ ) );
You will probably solve the issue by defining that constant, but it would be great if we understand why you have this issue with UI Press.
If you have the PRO version of UI Press, and you confirm that the issue occurs only with the PRO version if you want you can provide it to me using the contact form at https://freesoul-deactivate-plugins.com/contact/, and I will try to reproduce the problem.
2) THis is a good idea, thank you for the suggestion.
However, I suspect that you are disabling plugins in the backend on the single post editing pages, aren’t you? If so, it would be better for you to use the settings that you find in Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Baakend => Backend => Singles => Edit Single Post (or Edit Single Page, Edit Single …).
See the screenshot https://freesoul-deactivate-plugins.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/freesoul-deactivate-plugins-backend-single-post.png
In any case, the idea of custom labels is something that I will take into account for future versions.
3) I’m not sure I’ve understood what you mean.
I understand this: on some single custom posts you can see the FDP section like in the screenshot https://freesoul-deactivate-plugins.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/deactivate-plugins-single-post.png, and on other single custom posts you don’t see it.
FDP can disable plugins only if the custom post type is registered as publicly queriable.
I think it would be easier if you give the example of a concrete case where you cannot disable plugins.
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by