Inconsistency Information and Bug
There are lots of inconsistency in the plugin codes
1. Email
– echo ‘Password : 1Admin@23 <br><br>’;, this is WRONG, in the file class-dc-woodle-enrollment.php line #190, the password was made generated and thus, this would lead to a password mismatch.
– Why? the password sent to Moodle was hash generated, yet, in fact, in the Email, you’re telling the user to use the 1Admin@23.
2. The same file in Step #1, the hook added was do_action( ‘woodle_after_create_moodle_user’, $user_data );, but it was never used in the email.
– Instead, it uses the email template with static password field in it.
3. File dc-woodle-functions.php line #392, again, another code inconsistency.
1. In the email, the shortcode wasn’t formatted correctly, line #14 in new-enrollment.php file
2. It won’t create a user in the Moodle area, it returned errocode.
..The plugin is a great foundation, and thanks for it.
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