• Resolved bexmarie


    I’m testing out some scenarios to ensure that the automated tax calculations are correct. When testing a purchase with a shipping address of Alpharetta, GA 3004, the WC store is charging a rate of 6%. The actual correct tax rate for Alpharetta, GA 3004 is 7.75%.

    I am really concerned about relying on this for charging and collecting sales tax accurately now. I wonder how many other zip codes will have the wrong calculation!

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  • Plugin Support 3 Sons Development – a11n


    Hey @bexmarie,

    Thanks for reaching out. We definitely want to make sure the taxes match what you’re expecting to see. Can you give us a sample address to use for the shop’s address in WooCommerce > Settings > General? It doesn’t have to be your store’s actual address. Just one in the area that would have the same tax rates for orders shipped to Alpharetta.


    Thread Starter bexmarie


    3910 Evans Rd, Cumming, GA 30040

    After posting this I noticed something interesting.
    If to go to the cart page and Select/Type US & Georgia & Alpharetta & 30004 for the shipping calculation within the cart, I get the 6% tax rate. But when I proceed to checkout and type the full address (street number and name) I get the correct 7.75% rate.

    Plugin Support 3 Sons Development – a11n


    Hey @bexmarie,

    Thanks for the additional details. That makes sense. Often services need more precise information in order to give the most accurate results. For taxes and live shipping rates, the street address can make a significant difference.

    It sounds like this is working as expected since the correct rate is given for a full address. If you spot any instances of that not being the case, please let us know.


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