• Hello.

    Cutting a long story as short as I can…

    I changed my wordpress site from HTTPS to HTTP.
    – For some reason, there is a problem with Yoast and it still keeps trying to generate HTTPS links in some of my sitemaps. Even tho I have spent weeks making sure every single reference to HTTPS has been replaced with HTTP
    – This was causing problems in Webmaster tools because some of my sitemaps would suddenly change from HTTP to HTTPS, and the Google webmaster would tell me that no posts on this sitemap are indexed..
    – I then started looking at my Database and found that Yoast WordPress-SEO is still creating various transients that show HTTPS and not HTTP.
    – I dont know where Yoast is getting this from?? I have even deleted Yoast and reinstalled but the same issue keeps reocurring.

    Thank goodness for Vijay Padhariya who posted a fix on here:

    – Changing the line on 305 how Vijay instructs fixes the issue! However he is quite right that everytime Yoast is updated. This mod reverts back and my issue comes back!

    Yoast please help! Can this mod be introduced permanently?
    I welcome all comments and feedback! Please be careful with me because I am not a WordPress expert …


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