• I invested in the Pro extension for a complex site project under development that has 8 different taxonomies to search on. I am using their Multiple Taxonomy Filter – Horizontal DropDown Modern with the Search Icon Layout. I was able to customize the styles a bit further than plugin settings provide for the taxonomy drop-downs myself, however, I was completely stuck on how to move the ajax search icon up to be in line with the rest of the drop-downs… That one line of taxonomy filters presents in 3 columns in 3 lines — 8 taxonomies plus the search icon in position 9.

    Trusty Plugins provided amazing support to resolve my issue in a very short period of time to my complete satisfaction.

    Great plugin at the free level, but the Pro version is worth every penny for the additional layouts.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by pengie5696.
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