Initial configuration
Hi again, thanks for the help
I configured the plugin as explained in the repository:
I created the two keys and inserted them into the wp-config before require_once ABSPATH and
i created another plugin to insert my client with this filter
add_filter( ‘oidc_registered_clients’, ‘my_oidc_clients’ );
but now if I go to the page /.well-known/openid-configuration it continues to give me error 404
and even if I call with postman this endpoint /wp-json/openid-connect/authorize i get this message :
“code”: “rest_no_route”,
? ? “message”: “No path provides a match between the URL and the requested method.”,
“data”: {
“status”: 404
what did I do wrong?
Are there any endpoint initializations missing?
How can I make a test call?
thank you very much
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