• Perhaps this is a better forum for this question.

    I have a custom post_type that is associated with a specific week of the year. This post type is always ordered by that ‘week’ custom post meta value, so that every year, the content effectively repeats itself (but is not re-published, but kept sorted so current week is “most recent” when it is queried). Now, we also have recently started a blog category that contains supplemental posts that reference and add information to that weekly custom post_type. What we would like to do is, whenever a user is viewing that blog category, that the custom post_type is injected at the beginning of the appropriate week, so when viewing the category archive page, the supplemental posts are ordered by their date, but any of the custom post_types are appropriately inserted at the beginning of the week they are set to display on.

    i.e. — in a post list (assuming Sunday is the first day of the week)

    * A Recent Supplement Post (published Sept. 8, 2015)
    * Custom post_type Post (Week 37)
    * A Recent Supplement Post (published Sept. 4, 2015)
    * A Recent Supplement Post (published Sept. 1, 2015)
    * Custom post_type Post (Week 36)
    * A Recent Supplement Post (published Aug. 28, 2015)
    * A Recent Supplement Post (published Aug. 26, 2015)
    * A Recent Supplement Post (published Aug. 24, 2015)
    * Custom post_type Post (Week 36)


    I’ve tried a few custom query_posts attempts, and even trying to merge two arrays returned from query_posts or WP_Query, without much luck.

    Any ideas?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Hmm, interesting problem. Being weak in mySQL, my inclination would be to brute force the problem in PHP. There’d be two query results, the main query of supplemental posts and an array of week post types.

    The loop would run through the supplements as normal. Some logic in the loop would notice when the week number changes, based on the date of the current post. The date() function could be used, or modulo 7 of the timestamp. When the week number changes, the next custom post is taken out of the array and output before the current post. Obviously some variable would keep track of where the last custom post was taken out of the array and be incremented at each new week.

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