Well, this may not please you, but it would be a piece of cake for me: do the whole thing in raw HTML. I started doing web pages that way in 1995, built and maintain several websites. I just began learning WordPress a year ago.
When your Word doc is done, do a global Replace All (Ctrl-H) changing ^p to </p><p>. Then save as .txt which will remove all other formatting. This will precede every paragraph with <p> and end it with </p>. Manually fix the beginning of the first paragraph and the end of the last one.
Open the text file with e.g., Notepad and Copy it. Open the Classic Editor, press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-M to get to the HTML “Code” editor. Paste the file in and add the markup.
For a few lines of computer code, use the <code> tag. This is usually like a separate paragraph.
<p>Following is a simple program</p>
For I = 1 to 6
Print I
End For
For something the user types, use the <kbd> tag. This is usually short, in the middle of a paragraph.
<p>After doing blah, blah, you will enter <kbd>my.exe -t -e -s -t </kbd> and then…</p>
For output, the <samp> tag is used.
<p>Message from my computer:</p>
<p><samp>File not found.<br>Press F1 to continue</samp></p>