• There are no longer any SVGs on this page because for some reason Elements plus just deactivated the Inline SVG widget and says the Safe SVG is not Active even though it is. My Main elements on my site were all animated SVGs, it has been working flawlessly for years… now its all broken. I have deactivated and reactivated both plugins and regenerated and synced Elementor.. but still can’t get the toggle for inline SVG to show says Safe SVG is not active…. how do I fix this?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Fotis


    Hi there,
    Elements plus probably cannot do that, but it might be a conflict. Have you checked for other plugin conflicts https://www.cssigniter.com/kb/checking-for-plugin-conflicts/ ?

    Can you please do?
    Can you explain what do you mean by deactivated the inline SVG? You cannot add SVG or you cannot upload them? Does disabling Elements Plus fixed inline SVG issue?

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    It took me awhile to figure it out.. it is actually the update of Safe SVG plugin (to 2.1) This plugin is needed for the inline svg widget of Elements Plus to work (which I think it shouldn’t rely on it with the recent SVG updates with Elementor… I rolled back to 2.03 and it fixed everything. I wrote on their page here – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/update-from-2-03-broke-my-animations/ with no response. It broke the animations on the home page of https://trinityyardschool.org and https://willbode.com (which are now working on 2.03)- The update of Safe SVG makes it so Elements Plus thinks that the plugin isn’t activated it the widget place it says Safe SVG plugin must be activated to use this widget (even when it is activated). I used this widget a lot. It is the best way to place animated svg in elementor that I have found so it would be nice if someone would fix this or just make it so it doesn’t rely on Safe SVG.

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    @markwaregr – It took me awhile to figure it out.. it is actually the update of Safe SVG plugin (to 2.1) This plugin is needed for the inline svg widget of Elements Plus to work (which I think it shouldn’t rely on it with the recent SVG updates with Elementor… I rolled back to 2.03 and it fixed everything. I wrote on their page here – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/update-from-2-03-broke-my-animations/ with no response. It broke the animations on the home page of https://trinityyardschool.org and https://willbode.com (which are now working on 2.03)- The update of Safe SVG makes it so Elements Plus thinks that the plugin isn’t activated it the widget place it says Safe SVG plugin must be activated to use this widget (even when it is activated). I used this widget a lot. It is the best way to place animated svg in elementor that I have found so it would be nice if someone would fix this or just make it so it doesn’t rely on Safe SVG.

    Plugin Support Fotis


    Hi there,

    I believe this message comes from Elementor itself since SVG by default is not allowed to be uploaded in WordPress. But you can quickly resolve this without plugins using the snippet version described here https://wpengine.com/resources/enable-svg-wordpress/

    Let me know how I can help out more with this

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    (@markwaregr) From what I understand Elementor now has its own SVG sanitization and doesn’t require another plugin to upload SVGs – So why would the message come from Elementor? Also the message appears inside of Elements Plus checkboxes… So you are saying you know for certain that Elements Plus does not require Safe SVG plugin for its Inline SVG widget to work? I am confused… what is the resolution? Contact Elementor?

    Plugin Support Fotis


    Can you try my code suggestion or another SVG plugin (not safe SVG plugin)
    Are you trying to sanitize SVG? or upload them?

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    @markwaregr The reason is that the “inline SVG Plus!” Element from the checkbox page of Elements Plus can not be toggled on if “Safe SVG” is not active.. But even when Safe SVG version 2.1 is active the Inline SVG Plus! element shows that it is not active, so from the Elementor editor there is no Inline SVG element available to use. This is a screen shot from the checkbox elements page. So no code will turn that on. I have this same exact thing replicated on 3 different sites. (@markwaregr)

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    @markwaregr After informing Safe SVG of this issue @dkotter took the time and figured it out you can see the full conversation here – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/update-from-2-03-broke-my-animations/

    Darin Kotter said –

    Thanks for the additional details. I installed these plugins locally and was able to reproduce. In looking at the code of Elements Plus, there is a change that they’ll need to make to support the latest versions of Safe SVG.

    A namespace was added to the Safe SVG code and so that needs to be reflected here: https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/elements-plus/trunk/inc/elements-plus-options.php#L152. Basically need to change that from save_svg to SafeSvg\save_svg

    Plugin Support Fotis


    Hello @willbode

    We are going to implement a fix in out next release. But for now, you can add manually this fix.

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    Hello @markwaregr when will this be included in an update? Thanks.. Still unsure how to manually fix this.

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    I tried using the Plugin Editor and changing the save_svg to SafeSvg\save_svg and it didn’t work then I had to restore from a backup and rollback again.

    Plugin Support Fotis


    @willbode I am really sorry for the delay. We are going to release this fix tomorrow!

    Plugin Support Fotis


    @willbode Please update Elements Plus, we have released a new version.

    Thread Starter Will Bode


    @markwaregr Thanks!

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