It wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t an auto loud item in the database, it is good to know that it is caused by storing the image. But for me it is weird that it is storing the image in the database and not just in the folder the plugin creates in the upload folder on top of that being an autoload item.
Could n’t this be done differently or removed as part of the autoload? As this does cause quite a bit of slowdown and in general the autoload shouldn’t be more than 0.10MB at best as recommended by many people and database optimisation plugins.
That said the favicon in question (https://www.lifeflows.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/LifeFlows-FavIcon.png) is only 190KB in size so I am not entirely sure to why this would go up to 1MB if the source is like you’re saying saved there if it is only 190KB (Even if I compress it with TinyPNG or Shortpixel it will only give me a -10% reduction so it wouldn’t change much at this size). Sure I could downscale the original input, but that wouldn’t really change much for the actual generated items as they need to be lossless compressed afterwards on top of that. The source image I really don’t need the use of it to be honest as the generated icons are only used, but if it is bloating the database and especially in terms of that size, it isn’t really favourable.
If your database in total is only 0.6MB in size and that this one item (that is being auto loaded) is 1MB is quite a huge difference for something as small as the usage of the favicons.
It be great to have an option to disable this or reduce this as this is really unwanted, as this was already a problem over two weeks I’ve done various research regarding this and did various experiments like different icons and sizes, but the only conclusion I came to fixing this to not have this bloat size in my autoload in my database was to manually insert the generated icons in the header via functions.php, while this works I still like to use the plugin but currently can’t with this problem I am having.
1MB in general for a single record in a database is in my opinion quite a lot, especially if your ENTIRE database isn’t even a full megabyte in size, so if I can save even a couple bytes I will, but having a 1MB record there is really not something that should be just ignored and kept.
Thanks for the reply, but would like to know a solid fix for this other than the manual addition to the functions.php/header if this ever happens in the future.