• As a 12+ year user of WordPress, ACF has remained one of my favorite plugins. The WP.org takeover of ACF casts doubt on my future trust of WP leadership and decision-making. (If this is a “fork,” then please someone provide me with a link to the WP repo where it was forked from. Ope!) This is an abuse of GPL and a violation of WP’s own terms and a disgrace to the community that has provided unpaid, volunteer labor and promotion for the platform for 21 years.

    If WP leadership truly wanted to build and maintain a proper custom fields system, they have had 13+ years to make it happen without hijacking other developers’ work. Quite unbelievable that a $500M/year enterprise claiming 3,950 contribution hours a week cannot be bothered to integrate their own custom fields UI into their own core software because it’s “too niche.” No vision or leadership detected. 1 star.

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  • The link to the GPLv2 repo were it was forked from is this: https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/advanced-custom-fields/tags/6.3.6

    The company that has bought ACF 2 years ago was filled suit against WP last month and they don’t have access to free services offered by WP anymore, including the plugins repo infra. In the mean time ACF has deployed their own repo and users can download ACF directly from them. It’s an ugly situation for everyone and until the legal conflict is not resolved between them probably nothing will gonna change.



    @robertzollner Why did the company file suit? I think you will find that Matt initiated the aggression which they only filed suit to stop. You seem to be trying to portray it as the other way around.

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