insert background image on page
A simple task I thought but I seem to fighting with this one.
Because I a not sure what div tag to pull from to style in the child style sheet.
This is the html code.<body class="page page-id-204 page-template page-template-full-width-page-php logged-in admin-bar custom-background customize-support"> <div id="container" class="hfeed"> <div id="header"> <div id="wrapper" class="clearfix"> <div id="content-full" class="grid col-940"> <div id="post-204" class="post-204 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <h1 class="entry-title post-title">test</h1> <div class="post-entry"> </div>
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I know how to add image and how to style it but…
The problem is I do not know what div id to use to style from – I know it has to be in the body for it to be for the whole wrapper page to be covered.(THIS IS NOT FOR COMPLETE SCREEN COVER – OBNLY FOR THIS PAGE – Post-204)
I have read I SHOULD not call img in html and rather do it in CSS.
Please advise what div id I use to place image in as this is a template Ido not want to adjust the php file as I have used this template for about 7 pages of my site.
Resposnsive theme – full width page template.
Thanks in advance.
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