• Hi all,

    I’ve been used to running WordPress on services such as Dreamhost where installation was automatic. I now have an self managed server where I have installed WordPress myself.

    My problem is that when I go to add an image to a post, the radio buttons allowing me to make the image smaller are disabled.
    A few articles I’ve read on these forums and others suggest reinstalling the GD libraries, and php5-gd, then restarting/reloading apache. I’ve done the following:

    apt-get install php5-gd libapache2-mod-php5 libgd2-noxpm libjpeg62 libpng12-0
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    But still no joy.
    I’ve got my phpinfo here and was wondering if anyone knows what packages I might need to install to get this working? The WordPress site only states that MySQL and PHP are required to get WordPress running, but I can’t find more specific requirements to get full functionality…

    Many thanks,

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  • That is strange. I thought that the GD library was what powered that editor and looking at the code GD is the only thing mentioned.

    Last I checked, and I hope I’m wrong.
    php5-gd has a dependency for libgd2-xpm.

    You can’t have both libgd2-noxpm and libgd2-xpm at the same time.

    If your hosts compiles their own packages, they could have made php-gd with libgd-noxpm instead. But if they use default packages or customize from default packages, your forced to use libgd-xpm.

    I have confirmed this, only for Ubuntu lucid.
    and also recent Debian. Might not apply to your distro, as you did not have it listed.

    And about the lacking detailed PHP extension requirements, I’ve seen this BS on other projects. For some reason, projects think they don’t need to explicitly say which extensions are required/optional.
    I disagree, obviously I think that would be good to know.

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