• Resolved ketanco


    I am not new to web building but I started using wordpress for the first time recently and not familiar with its coding. I have a very basic question about it. Lets say I want to insert a poll program that I have or I want to insert a picture or a calendar or any element into a wordpress layout (or should I say theme I am not sure). Is that possible, or once you start using a theme, the layout and everythings is pretty much fixed?

    In other words, getting stuck to whatever the theme allows me is not what I want. Can you insert any element that you like at any location and play with the layout? If so can you describe how should I go about it (which folders, where exactly etc… for instance give me an example of doing so in the default theme, where, which folders, which files)?

    Note: I am not talking about inserting stuff to posts here. This is about inserting things to the pages.

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  • Jenny Beaumont


    wordpress is very flexible as are most themes. i usually start with the default theme (kubrick) and customize from there.
    however, you really should spend time reading the basic documentation before posting these kinds of basic questions…most of the answers are already out there if you look.

    Thread Starter ketanco


    when you say you start with the default theme and customize from there, which folders you go to in order to adjust the layout sizes backgorunds, inserting new elements etc…?

    Anonymous User 303747


    Echoing jennybeaumont’s remark about reading in the codex. It’s time very well spent.

    Your theme files are in /wp-content/themes/your_theme.

    Thread Starter ketanco


    okay so when you modify something you go into theme instead of the other files as far as I understood.

    Note: Of course you can learn a lot from documents. However, this forum is for answering the questions. For a specific question, instead of spending hours or days to find an answer, you can just ask a question and learn from people who know it. Until AI is developed enough, I guess that would be the best way…. Of course one should read and learn. But if a specific case can be answered in just a minunte instead of reading and finding the answer in many many hours then I guess it deserves asking…

    For a specific question, instead of spending hours or days to find an answer, you can just ask a question and learn from people who know it.

    Well, yes, but your question really isn’t all that specific. It a bit like walking up to a carpenter and saying, “Hey, since you are a carpenter I have a very basic question. I own a house, so how do I make changes to it?” Sincerely, read the codex first. Then come back when you can’t get something specific to work. As it stands the only real answer to your question is ‘edit the theme’ but explaining how to do that would amount to re-writing the Codex, at least the part about themes. Speaking for myself, that’s not going to happen.

    Thread Starter ketanco


    ok no problem of course i can read the docs. i didnt mean to have anyone rewrite everything of course. i just needed some basic guidance. sometimes when someone gives you a head start in the right direction, that is a big deal…thanks for answers…

    I’m happy to try to give you some answers– I spend way too much time here– but you’ll have better luck with a more specific question.

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