• Great plugin. I’m sure it works. I’m new to this, but: the only way I can get a gallery to insert into a page is by using the “Add Page” option. My page then has the [nggallery id=”x”] shortcode. If I try inserting a gallery using ATP, all I get is the first thumbnail and “<img …” link text in the text composition area. Clicking on the image in the live page does nothing. Also, even when I specify “Slideshow” I always get thumbnails. I gather there’s documentation on troubleshooting all this so I’ll continue to plow through, or I’ll just have to manually write longer shortcode as shown in the documentation. But I shouldn’t have to do that.


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @nacinla – Aha … a MAMP / local environment!

    I see you are using the default pots for your MAMP installation, I would suggest a new install and use the localhost and MySQL ports 80 and 3306 respectively. You’ll find those under the “Preferences”.

    I suggest a new local install as it can be more work than its worth to change everything that needs to be modified if you change an existing install … and you should be able to more or less copy and paste the current installation into the new installation. Although personally, I always start fresh with local environments.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter nacinla


    Thanks. New local install of the plugin? Or MAMP? Copy what installation into the new installation? I’ve always used the 8888 ports in both Apache Port and MySQL Port MAMP. How will switching out MAMP affect my other sites?

    Thread Starter nacinla


    And just so I know:
    What is it about the NextGen plugin that requires a different port configuration, while other plugins do not?
    Are all other MAc/MAMP users having this issue?
    How does the port solution explain why I can’t use the plugin on my live site, which doesn’t involve localhost:8888?

    I’m on Mac/mamp too!!

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @nacinla – Unfortunately almost every MAMP installation that has had issues with NextGEN Gallery required the MAMP installation to be setup to use ports 80 and 3306 … I actually do not recall NextGEN Gallery working correctly with port 8888 for localhost but I have only been using a Mac for about a month.

    Most remote servers also use those ports by default, at least the standard for most remote servers is port 80 for localhost. Why your site may not be working remotely is quite likely going to be for a different reason than why it would not work locally.

    Setting up a MAMP installation is basically creating a new folder under htdocs; copying the WordPress core files into it; creating a database to use; and, running the standard manual WordPress installation. You can then copy all of your port 8888 theme / plugin folders into the appropriate place in the new installation. Although I would still suggest “installing” NextGEN Gallery as a new plugin rather than trying to “migrate” it to avoid the possible database migration issues.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter nacinla


    Thanks. Let me see if I get this.
    1) create new site folder in MAMP>htdocs.
    2) copy which WOrdPress core files into it? The previous ones from my site? Why do I do this when in a following step I install WP anew?
    3) Create a database. OK. I get that.
    4) Run manual install; manual, or the famed 5-minute install?
    5) At what point are the port settings changed in MAMP?
    6) Is it possible for you to post a very specific step-by-step of this process since it appears to be a lot of work just to get a plugin to work?

    Thread Starter nacinla


    Also: What happens if I just change the ports in the prefs? I have to find everywhere else that 8888 is referenced and change that for both Apache and MySQL?

    Thread Starter nacinla


    And btw: If this is a problem with all Mac MAMP installs and your plugin, shouldn’t you post a warning and instructions on how to avoid this by setting it up right in the first place? Are there only PC users using this plugin and therefore they’re not having problems?

    Mine is a MAMP installation using the 8888 and 8889 ports. It was hard enough getting WP to work with this default setting. The thought of trying to set it up again with all the flakiness, uncertainty about what on earth is going on, error messages, complete dead ends where it won’t connect to database, WP suddenly telling you to do the famous blasted 5 minute install so you feel like you’ve lost everything…
    And I HAVE tried to change it to 80 and 3306. Spent hours mucking about getting nowhere and had to give up.
    WHY can’t NextGen work with 8888 and 8889? Why do we have to suffer like this?

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @digbymaass – Download the latest version of MAMP (3.0.5?) and give that a try with the ports 80 and 3306 … aside from the time to copy the necessary WordPress core files into the htdocs / WP folder and creating the database (remember root / root for username / password) the Five Minute Install is actually quite accurate … at least every time I have created a new MAMP install with those ports.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter nacinla


    @digbymaass: I couldn’t agree more.

    @photocrati I plan to attempt this after I get my latest site up live. For now, it will have to do without a NextGen gallery and use a different plugin.
    What happens, though, if I upload it onto a host server and it still doesn’t work? Because I’m having a problem with an existing site, where I went back to a previous version of NextGen, and I still can’t insert a gallery in a page. I click on the “Add NextGen Gallery” button, choose the gallery and slideshow style, hit insert and a zero (0) appears in the little window. I don’t even get bad code. I’ve tried this multiple times.

    Thread Starter nacinla


    @digbymaass The plot thickens: After I upgraded to NGG 2.0.65 on my live site, I can no longer see the Visual display of pages and the tool bar. When I deactivate it, I can see my visual display and the toolbars. I think I’m going to deactivate this plugin and forget about it for now.
    You’ll notice, btw, that photocrati didn’t answer any of my questions above.
    Clearly, there are bugs with this plugin but a solution doesn’t seem forthcoming.

    I followed the steps on this page exactly (the first part not the second part) after changing the ports in MAMP and it worked. The nextgen gallery now displays.
    No reinstallation of WP necessary.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @nacinla – We’re you looking for me to provide in-depth support for a MAMP installation set up to run WordPress? Perhaps I did not direct one of my responses directly to you but there are numerous tutorials available online aside from the very brief overview I provided above.

    @digbymaass – Thanks for the update letting us know your MAMP installation is working with the ports I recommended; and, thanks for the link to the article helping with moving installations, too.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter nacinla


    @digbymaass: Thanks for the tip. As I said, I’m going to try installing the plugin again AFTER I get my site working on the remote/live site. If I can’t get it to work I’ll try to find someone who can answer my questions.

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