• I use Hot Potatoes to insert interactive exercises on my WordPress site. I’ve done various searches and the best way I’ve found so far is to insert them is via an object tag (iFrames work too). That way they appear as part of the site and not as “anonymous” pages (I mean like this: Just look! I know geeky people can find the address, but most people won’t know how to find the site and other exercises.)

    My problem is that with object tag all the exercises in a set appear on a page of the same length. This means that either the long exercises have to be scrolled or the short exercises have a wide expanse of empty space below them. Is there a way to have each exercise appear on a page of just the right length?

    Here’s an example of a set of exercises Possessives where the first exercises have unnecessary space below them, but the last ones (10-12)have to be scrolled.

    All suggestions welcome.

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  • I know its a bit out of fashion but have you tried using iframes?

    Thread Starter Glenys Hanson


    Thanks AC, but the problem is exactly the same with an iFrame because the iFrame also defines the height and width of the embedded html page.

    If only one page is embedded it’s easy to define the dimensions of either the object tag or the iFrame to suit the embedded page. As far as I can see, they usually used to embed single pages – often YouTube videos. What I want to do is to insert a set of linked pages of different heights.

    The object tag I used for the set of exercises Possessives is :

    <p><object width="99%" height="80%" data="https://www.esl-exos.info/wp-content/grammar/01_adjectives/01b_possessive_adj/index.htm"></object></p>

    I can change it to:

    <iframe width="99%" height="800" src="https://www.esl-exos.info/wp-content/grammar/01_adjectives/01b_possessive_adj/index.htm" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    But the problem remains the same: short exercises have white space at the bottom; long exercises have to be scrolled.

    (iFrame won’t accept a percentage height – I don’t know why.)

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    If the object suffers the same problem as the iFrame then no there isn’t a proper way to resolve this. An improper way to resolve it would be through a resource-intensive JavaScript approach that involves watching a property on an object for changes.

    I’ve been there before and it’s not worth it, let people scroll or let there be space at the bottom, it won’t hurt.

    Thread Starter Glenys Hanson


    Thanks, Andrew.
    You’ve reassured me that I haven’t missed some simple solution I didn’t know about.

    I’m sure you’re right and most people will barely notice the white space or the need to scroll.

    I’m quite new to WordPress so I’m not sure I’m doing the right thing, but I’m marking this topic as resolved.


    je vous écrit sur ce post, bien qu’il soit “résolu” car mon sujet concerne directement celui-ci. J’ai essayé de faire la même chose que vous et d’inclure une page avec votre ligne de code. Tout marche ok sauf… que je n’ai pas le son qui apparait.
    Ma page est créée avec l’addon JMatcht_sort_v1.4.2+RTL, et je fait un classement phonétique de différents sons.

    Plusieurs questions :
    une subsidiaire : les images et les sons, les mettez vous dans la galerie média de wp ? Cela ne fait-il pas trop d’objet au bout d’un moment si on ne peut pas les classer ?

    Question principale : comment faites vous pour y inclure (dans la galerie média) le player ? Lorsque j’essaie, j’ai un message me disant que pour des raisons de sécurité je ne peux pas uploader un fichier .swf (celui-ci en l’occurence : https://flash-mp3-player.net/players/normal/documentation/)

    En vous remerciant de votre aide

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