• Hi,

    If I insert the instagram embed code (code that instagram provides or each image when u click on it) , it looks like this:


    Basically the blockquote tag in the embed code turns into this.
    Here’s the original code:

    <div style=”padding:8px;”> <div style=” background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;”> <div style=” background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;”></div></div> <p style=” margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;”> My culinary experiments – baked potato wedges #appetiser #foodporn #ipadography</p> <p style=” color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;”>A photo posted by Twilight Fairy (@twilightfairy) on <time style=” font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;” datetime=”2015-02-03T07:44:47+00:00″>Feb 2, 2015 at 11:44pm PST</time></p></div>

    <script async defer src=”//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js”></script>

    Pls fix

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  • Thread Starter twilightfairy


    and these posts are supposed to have comments (which show twitter replies of other people) .. cant see comments here.. I guess “Status” type doesnt have any?

    Well it’s not that it’s more that is like a post-list and comments aren’t shown in post-lists..
    This is a multisite installation right? So you can apply a css just to this, for the background:

    article.format-status .entry-content {
        background: white; /*change this*/
        border-left-color: pink; /*change this*/

    about the flash..

    article.format-status .format-icon:before{
        content: "\F202";
        font-size: 30px;
        top: -30px;
        font-family: genericons;

    if you have to put this code to the custom-css box, use content: "\\F202";

    Thread Starter twilightfairy


    Thanks, I’ve used childify theme ??

    How do I enable comments in these posts? Is there any way to do that at all? Or is there any way to change all the posts in one go to “standard” type?

    comments in post lists aren’t displayed, you can think about that if it was the blog page.
    I’m not very familiar with that twitter page, is from a plug-in?
    We can try to show them as normal posts with titles and comment bubble, but not with posts..

    btw, in both css codes above:
    article.format-status with article.format-status.category-twitter
    it’s better.

    Thread Starter twilightfairy


    This is a blog page only and these are blogposts.
    the content of the posts is being populated through a plugin – yes.
    So is it possible to show the comments?

    BTW I inserted the category-twitter thing and it didnt work

    article.format-status .category-twitter.entry-content {
    background: white; /*change this*/
    border-left-color: pink; /*change this*/

    Something like this or something else?

    article.format-status.category-twitter .entry-content {
    background: white; /*change this*/
    border-left-color: pink; /*change this*/

    You put the blank space in the wrong place. ??
    (same thing for the other css rule)

    About comments,
    nope isn’t possibile to show all the comments below the posts, as I told you , maybe you can show the title of that tweet, if it exists, and the comment bubble (https://blog.twilightfairy.in/ the red bubble and the number inside of it)

    But I really don’t know anything about this tweets posts.. Are they real posts in your wp? Where are these comments? Can you give me a link to this plug-in and help me to set up it? ?? But only if you’re interested in showing the title and the comment bubble, then probably we can also say goodbye to the format-status, and display them as normal posts.

    Thread Starter twilightfairy


    aah..ok, I dont know css as such ..can just fiddle around with basic WP/HTML cos I have a software coding background :p

    there’s no title of tweet. though comments will be there. in this case they are @replies fetched from twitter and posted as comments.

    and yes, they are real posts in the WP Database. the comments (@replies) are in the comments table in the WP database ?? and they come for approval like typical WP comments

    I’m using “twitter tools” plugin to do this. it used to be a very good plugin (with options to publish a daily digest of tweets – which was my chosen option back then) .. then 2-3 yrs back, it broke after the developer sort of stopped working on it and now it puts every single tweet as a post :\ Still I’m making do with it, even though NOW twitter provides an archives of all one’s tweets as well.

    Have explored other plugins to do the same thing, but there seems to be none..

    (may be you can code one :p)

    Thread Starter twilightfairy


    I think the easiest way to do what I want would be to change all my post types to “standard” post.. through PHPmyadmin or something.. via a single SQL query

    Thread Starter twilightfairy


    So any suggestions for the predicament of post type? is it possible to segregate based on that? through phpmyadmin?

    didn’t have the time to look in that plug-in, and still don’t :D, but if you want you can use an old code I wrote one year ago, which still works, which displays comments number in posts formats like aside, link, status etc etc.. you might want to try it (adding it to your child-theme functions.php):

    add_filter('the_content', 'add_leave_a_comment');
    function add_leave_a_comment($content){
        if ( is_single() ){
            return $content;
        $post_formats = array('quote', 'aside', 'status', 'link');
        if ( ! in_array(get_post_format(), $post_formats ) )
            return $content;
        $comment_string = ( comments_open() ) ? __('Leave a comment') : '';
        /* mostly copied from class-content-hedings */
        //adds filters for comment bubble style and icon
        $bubble_comment = ( get_comments_number() > 0 ) ? sprintf('<span class="fs1 icon-bubble"></span><span class="inner">%1$s</span>',
                                                  ) : '';
        $bubble_comment = ( $bubble_comment ) ? apply_filters( 'tc_bubble_comment', $bubble_comment ) : '' ;
        $comment_string = ( $bubble_comment ) ? __('Comments') . $bubble_comment : $comment_string;
        $leave_comment_link = '';
        if ( $comment_string )
            $leave_comment_link = sprintf('<span class="custom-comments-link comments-link %5$s"><a href="%1$s#comments" title="%2$s %3$s">%4$s</a></span>',
                                  __( 'Comment(s) on' , 'customizr' ),
                                  ( $bubble_comment ) ? 'has-comments' : ''
        return $content . $leave_comment_link;

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