• after getting some much needed support from all the good folks here i thought i’d share my success so far in getting mygallery up and running. step by step for the newbies like me.

    how to install
    upload mygallery to the plugins folder
    create a folder called ‘myfotos’ inside the ‘wp-content’ folder
    chmod the ‘myfotos’ folder to 777
    activate the plugin
    on the dashboard toolbar select ‘manage’, ‘pages’
    create a new page
    take note of the ID number afterwards
    select ‘mygallery’ on the dashboard toolbar
    there are 4 options, ‘mygallery’, ‘management’, ‘options’ & ‘style’
    select ‘mygallery’
    choose ‘create … as new empty gallery’ (give this a name, say ‘pix1′(no quotes))
    hit ‘submit’
    go to ‘gallery management’, select your gallery ‘pix1’ from the drop menu
    click ‘ok’
    gallery options will then appear
    under page ID put the number you noted earlier
    give it a description
    give it a long name (a brief write-up)
    click update
    go back to ‘dashboard, manage pages’
    ‘edit’ the page you made for the gallery
    paste [mygal=pix1] into the page (i use the html function)
    your page is now a gallery (albeit with no pics yet)
    to upload pix into the gallery
    go to ‘dashboard, mygallery’
    go to ‘mygallery’ within that
    choose ‘upload to gallery (choose pix1 from the dropdown)
    browse for a pic on your machine
    hit ‘submit’
    your image has now been uploaded
    to add captions etc
    go to ‘gallery management’
    select ‘pix1’ from the dropdown
    hit ‘ok’
    the gallery contents will now show
    you can now add captions, alter titles, delete images etc
    hit ‘update’ when done
    if you have several galleries and you wish to group them
    create a new page
    paste [mygallistgal] in the page
    that page will now list all the galleries within your site
    to hide the single gallery pages but display the grouped page
    go to ‘dashboard, presentation’
    choose ‘theme editor’
    by default it takes you to style.css
    choose to edit ‘sidebar’
    where it says
    <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>’ . __(”) . ‘</h2>&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
    <?php wp_list_pages(‘exclude=14,15,17&title_li=<h2>’ . __(”) . ‘</h2>&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
    i have added the line exclude=14,15,17&
    this will exclude the pages with the page IDs specified
    obviously the numbers will change depending on what page/s you want to hide
    hit ‘update file’
    if there is no ‘update file’ button
    your page is not set to be writable
    in your FTP editor
    go to wp-content/themes/THE THEME YOU’RE USING/
    chmod the sidebar.php file to 666 (do all of them in fact)

    hope this helps some of you out

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  • tobe1st


    strangely…it worked for my other wordpress installation on another site. i was going to test it on my site, but since it worked on the one i want to use it on, that’ll do! i’ll have to eventually figure out what went wrong on my site. thanks for this gallery! it rocks!



    If i create a Gallery i just want one thumbnail preview for the Gallery,and not many thumbnails.Is this possible?



    More problems…I can’t seem to upload a .zip file full of images. I have tried using both the first and third option from the myGallery page, but both return “! No file was submitted.”

    The third options work for individual images, but not for .zip files. The .zip file is only 3.7Mb. Any idea why?

    Thank you for your help.



    Hi there, i have a little problem.. i cant find

    ” <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>’ . __(”) . ‘</h2>&sort_column=menu_order’); ?> “

    in sidebar or any other file.

    Im using https://www.binarymoon.co.uk/projects/regulus/ this theme, can you help me ?



    hi, I want to use this but what does chmod mean and how do I do that?!

    Les Bessant




    brilliant, I have my first pic online! But…the thumnails distort the image because the thumbs are square. Is there a way of making the thumbs the same ratio as each individual image, or alternativy, is there a way of making the thumbs just pick a part of the image instead of using the whole thing?
    Muchos Gracias



    oops, sorry didn’t look properly [or at all infact, that’s excitment for you!] gto it now



    hi again! it’s all installed, cool. Once you’ve made a gallery with thumbs etc how do you change the default thumb size of those images [already in the galler]? I treid changing it on the dashboard but it has no effect. Is there another way? see https://www.craigatkinson.info to see what I’m on about!

    I’m having a weird issue. Everything seems to go good but the thumbs don’t actually show up in my post. Thing is, as the blog is loading, you can see the 100×75 “border” where the image is supposed to be, but the image never loads. Once the page has fully loaded, it’s as if the images just aren’t there. I’m going to leave the post in question up as an example, but if you go to https://www.gamingnext.com/2006/03/24/guild-wars-factions-preview-event-images/ and do a search in the page source for ‘enjoy’ that’ll take you to where the images should begin. You’ll see they appear in the source, but not in the actual post.

    Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.

    Nevermind. Even when trying to view the image by putting the direct URL into my address bar, I’d get a WordPress 404, even though the path to the image was correct (trust me, I checked it ten times). I’ve went back to doing things by hand.

    I have a problem. I’ve installed myGallery and it *seems* to be working wonderfully.


    It shows the thumbnail and everything on the main gallery page, but when you click on it, the gallery is empty. Everything seems like it’s where it’s supposed to be.

    I have: [mygal=california] listed on the individual gallery page, and [mygallistgal] listed on the main gallery page, but no dice. (Yes, california is what I named the gallery.)

    Any advice?


    NEVER MIND! I just had to update the .htaccess

    I can’t wait to use this plugin, but when ever I try to upload a zip or a file, it processes the request and I recieve “! No file was submitted.”

    Can anyone help with this error?

    I was having that problem.. make sure the radio button for the option you’re using is selected. You have to select the radio button seperatly, putting your cursor in the text field doesn’t do that for you.

    If you’ve done that, I’m sorry that’s all I can think of.

    Hi Jennifre, please, can you help me?
    I would like to use mygallery like on your site:
    without ID pages, automatically linked to galleries.
    Thankx for every answer and help.


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