• after getting some much needed support from all the good folks here i thought i’d share my success so far in getting mygallery up and running. step by step for the newbies like me.

    how to install
    upload mygallery to the plugins folder
    create a folder called ‘myfotos’ inside the ‘wp-content’ folder
    chmod the ‘myfotos’ folder to 777
    activate the plugin
    on the dashboard toolbar select ‘manage’, ‘pages’
    create a new page
    take note of the ID number afterwards
    select ‘mygallery’ on the dashboard toolbar
    there are 4 options, ‘mygallery’, ‘management’, ‘options’ & ‘style’
    select ‘mygallery’
    choose ‘create … as new empty gallery’ (give this a name, say ‘pix1′(no quotes))
    hit ‘submit’
    go to ‘gallery management’, select your gallery ‘pix1’ from the drop menu
    click ‘ok’
    gallery options will then appear
    under page ID put the number you noted earlier
    give it a description
    give it a long name (a brief write-up)
    click update
    go back to ‘dashboard, manage pages’
    ‘edit’ the page you made for the gallery
    paste [mygal=pix1] into the page (i use the html function)
    your page is now a gallery (albeit with no pics yet)
    to upload pix into the gallery
    go to ‘dashboard, mygallery’
    go to ‘mygallery’ within that
    choose ‘upload to gallery (choose pix1 from the dropdown)
    browse for a pic on your machine
    hit ‘submit’
    your image has now been uploaded
    to add captions etc
    go to ‘gallery management’
    select ‘pix1’ from the dropdown
    hit ‘ok’
    the gallery contents will now show
    you can now add captions, alter titles, delete images etc
    hit ‘update’ when done
    if you have several galleries and you wish to group them
    create a new page
    paste [mygallistgal] in the page
    that page will now list all the galleries within your site
    to hide the single gallery pages but display the grouped page
    go to ‘dashboard, presentation’
    choose ‘theme editor’
    by default it takes you to style.css
    choose to edit ‘sidebar’
    where it says
    <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>’ . __(”) . ‘</h2>&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
    <?php wp_list_pages(‘exclude=14,15,17&title_li=<h2>’ . __(”) . ‘</h2>&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
    i have added the line exclude=14,15,17&
    this will exclude the pages with the page IDs specified
    obviously the numbers will change depending on what page/s you want to hide
    hit ‘update file’
    if there is no ‘update file’ button
    your page is not set to be writable
    in your FTP editor
    go to wp-content/themes/THE THEME YOU’RE USING/
    chmod the sidebar.php file to 666 (do all of them in fact)

    hope this helps some of you out

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  • Thanks for the step-by-step instructions…. everything went smooth on the first run. As you work on the next version of mygallery may I suggest that when clicking on a thumb you get an intermediate sized pic… somewhere around 500 pixels or so (for the default kubrick template users). Then when you click on the intermediate you get the original opening in a new window.

    you might also consider adding something in to allow users to post their own pics instead of just the admins.

    Just a suggestion… thanks again for the plugin.

    Kika, my galleries are on pages, I just gave the pages “page slugs”.

    hi, that a great plug!!!, thanks, but i have a problem, i want a gallery like the no. 2. Collection of galleries but don′t work for me, look the example on page call Fotos Test


    I installed mygallery as per instructions but whenever I try to create gallery, I get following error message,
    Unable to create directory /home/content/m/y/p/mypakistan/html/wp-content/myfotos/pix1!
    It mean it’s not letting me to create new gallery.
    Please help me to solve this problem.

    need help!

    when i try to uplode images, i get this massasge, Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /home/sites/www.chiklet.com/web/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 354. does anyone know what is this mean?

    in my server, i see my image i uploaded in myfotos file but no image in tumbs file. hope there is a way to fix this problem…

    Hi there zentaochi! Your plugin seems very cool!.
    The past few days I’ve been wandering around trying to figure out which gallery script or plugin to use.

    I’m thinking about using yours, but I wonder if it is possible to combine yours with Lightbox JS 2.02 plugin? And if so, would you be so kind to tell me how? I’m quite new into this stuff. At your website I liked the thumbnail overview. But when I click a picture, with your plugin it opens the picture in the same page. Would it be possible with perhaps a combination of your plugin and lightbox JS to have it opened with the lightbox JS effect? An overlay, instead of the same page..

    Could you please help me out?
    Kind regards!


    Oops, I noticed it’s integrated. If I would just have better read ??

    This is a great plugin! And if you use widgets, you can still make the Pages list only include the gallery idex page. You follow the instructions above for making an index page, then instead of editing the theme’s sidebar file, you edit the widget.php file, adding the exclude=14,15,17& (or whatever pages you want to exclude). Note the code below:


    Super cool!

    I get this — Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /web/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 354 — when the file size of the image is large. The image is still uploaded but the thumb has not been created. How can I fix this? I want to be able to upload large photos and still make the thing make my thumbs! Thanks in advance. Great plug in.

    I get the same error now – I really like the look of this plugin, and I think it would work really well with my needs. If I only could fix this problem.

    Is the plugin dependent of some other plugin? Where’s the imagecreatefromjpeg() gone?

    — H?kon Olafsen

    I’ll answer my own question. The function “imagecreatefromjpeg()” are a part of the gd-module to apache. This module does not come with jpeg support out of the box, you need to add a argument when you compile apacke. So if you get this error you need to activate jpeg supoprt in gd, and if you don’t controll the apacke installation, talk you or hostmaster.

    A quick fix is to use png images and not jpeg, but this has some disavantages.

    Hi guys,

    I’m trying to run this on a customer’s web server and having a few issues. I have it running fine on my local server, but when i try to run it on the customer’s web server, i get the error “Unable to move file array!” I think it might have something to do with the IIS permissions set for PHP but as the server is hosted by another company, I don’t have the ability to get in and look at the server config myself. Any ideas of what could be causing this issue?


    Thanks for this great plugin. I faced some difficulties while installing it but at last done it successfully by reading again and again the well-explained steps and posts of all the expert friends here. The ‘changing file permission’ tutorial link mentioned above by LesBessant also helped a lot. Thanks to all!

    brilliant!! Thanks for the instructions……really its very useful for me ??

    it’s strange.

    I got the gallery up running but when I created a page for listing all galleries. It went to a wrong link.

    https://csdr-cde.ca.gov/csdrblog/drama/ (working mygallery)

    https://csdr-cde.ca.gov/csdrblog/photo-gallery/ (showing Drama gallery, but the link points to the wrong URL!?)

    Also, mygallery cannot unzip my .zip archive. Is it due to Mac OS X? If I zipped a folder in PC, it would be unzipped?

    Thanks! So far, it looks impressive!

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