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  • 1. Who is your web host ?
    2. How exactly did you get the files onto your website ?
    3. Copy this into Notepad

    <?php phpinfo(): ?>

    Save it as “info.php”
    Upload it to your website
    Come back and tell us the address if the file.

    Thread Starter donjz


    web host is, i think.
    i uploaded the to the /wp directory

    Thread Starter donjz


    i uploaded the files using ftp
    does it matter if i’m using mac or windows? i’m using mac

    You need to save the file in a text editor, *not* a word processor. What you have up there in the info.php file is RTF rather than plain text, which the server doesn’t know what to do with.

    I don’t use Macs, so I suggest a quick search for Mac text editors will find you something suitable.

    And no, it doesn’t matter if you use a Mac – lots of people here do!

    I’m told macs are cool ??

    That file shows me this:
    {rtf1macansicpg10000cocoartf102 {fonttblf0fswissfcharset77 Helvetica;} {colortbl;red255green255blue255;} margl1440margr1440vieww9000viewh9000viewkind0 pardtx560tx1120tx1680tx2240tx2800tx3360tx3920tx4480tx5040tx5600tx6160tx6720qlqnatural f0fs24 cf0 }

    Did you use anything apart from a plain old-fashined text editor to write that line of php ? If you used anything made by macromedia OR adobe, please do another file but use something like textwrangler.

    ftp ? Transmit ? Which client ?

    Thread Starter donjz


    Okay. I made another info.php file using Notepad this time on my laptop (Windows).
    I used Cyberduck FTP (for Mac) to upload the files.

    I think I had this too once… And indeed it looks like the editor you used jinxed the php to a rtf…
    You can use for instance TacoHTML on your Mac to correctly change the wp-config file.


    <?php phpinfo(); ?>

    It’s a ; not a :

    Thread Starter donjz


    Thanks. I uploaded the newly edited wp-config.php
    I do not know what to put on the WPLANG… just put ‘en’
    is that okay?

    Thread Starter donjz


    I edited the info.php file too. ??
    Hmmm… are we there yet? ?? Thanks

    Thread Starter donjz


    hello? Anybody there?
    i’m on AOL Instant messenger FRSPRT72
    help please.

    It doesn’t look like your host has php on the servers – the phpinfo should produce screenloads of information.
    Email your host and ask if they meet the requirements:

    Thread Starter donjz


    I think they do. They have a resident blogging software that comes with the service. If you can, please check out

    I checked the file directory and they have php extensions in there.

    That looks strange.
    Email them with the details on the page above.

    Thread Starter donjz


    I did. Hmmm Maybe I should call them now too… ok hang on

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