Local dev environment — one click install via DesktopServer / download free version from development team at ServerPress.com
After setup of your local dev environment, keep in mind that you are now using localhost: That is your internal IP address. Note the HOSTS file:
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
Other computers on the LAN cannot resolve to that.
Option 1. Set the public A record in domain’s DNS table to your private IP of the computer running the web server.
Option 2. Simply use the private IP address as the URL in your other devices but then you’ll only be able to access one dev site at a time
Option 3. Create a subdomain of main public domain. lan.example.com would be development with main live site at example.com lan.example.com is then config’d as an A record to the private IP address of your web server on your LAN. On dev server, use name-based virtual hostand define the subdomain on line two below..the ServerName line:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName lan.example.com
DocumentRoot “C:\xampp\htdocs\Example”
Reason: all devices on LAN can access and no need to edit individual HOSTS files or overide DNS on each device.