You are off to a bad start. (1) Code is not poetry. You may like it and like the look of it but it is NOT poetry. I like Tolstoy’s War and Peace but it is not poetry.
(2) You assume everyone contacting you is interested in computers and related fields. False! I have no interest whatsoever. I am trying to produce a blog strictly because I want to communicate ideas to a large audience. I can’t make simultaneous phone calls to hundreds of people. In virtue of your mistake, you assume too much background. In “getting started” you actually write “Consider creating a PDF to read at your leisure”. Are you really that weird? I haven’t a clue as to what you are saying. (3) Must you assume that everyone understands all abbreviations? Is it too exhausting to say what you mean?
(4) Now, I have someone who can help me but I don’t want to waste his time. You are recommending an update to your latest version of Word Press. Why? In what particular ways will it be better. Make a list, not a speech. How much expertise is needed to install it? How long will the process take? What is length of the learning curve?(5) I need help. So do you. And thanks for the mindboggling advice “put code in between ‘backticks’.
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