• Hi there, so I’m having an issue.

    Im so tired. Im not a web designer, but i can’t afford one and i learn quick. Im on a Mac.

    I’ve been scouring the forums and the codexes for a few weeks now trying to solve this but either my issues are slightly different, the resolutions that others have won’t work for me or i just can’t understand due to all the short-hand and assumed knowledge that people offer.

    So here’s my issue. I have an account with ix webhosting so i have full control over my sites and hosting capabilities. I have about 5 domains that i have sites on or almost on. I have one fully working site and 4 that i want to rebuild. 4 are mine, 1 is someone else’s. I want them all to be wordpress.

    The one I’m happy with and have just finished building is https://www.saikelly.com; my (wordpress) photography site. What i want to do is redesign my film production site, https://www.saikoproductions.com. It previously had an iWeb site up that i removed. What i was hoping to do was redesign the iWeb site while keeping the content and some of the look into a better, simpler and more functional video gallery site.

    I’ve tried uploading and importing the iWeb exported html files into wordpress (this was a simple download of the iWeb site from the live page): no good. I’ve tried uploading my saikelly.com site to the saiko site domain and simply tried changing the links using the “search and replace” plugin, scouring the files in the folder of any references to saikelly.com, (none appeared), or changing the config.php file to different DB_NAMEs and DB_USERs and even changing the “$table_prefix = ‘wp_2’;” instead of what it originally said “$table_prefix = ‘wp_’;” at one point it all worked but had to chafe the DB_HOST one removing the long mysql.ixwebhosting.com (“ip address”) and just putting the ip address in without brackets. For now I’ve just re-upped the old iWeb site onto saikoproductions.com so that there is something there.

    All advice i’ve tried, I’ve received from the forums, so what do i need to do?

    From scratch, this is what i did after i’d finished the saikelly.com site, I went to https://cp8.ixwebhosting.com/psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.CP/C368804/12084468_0/psoft.hsphere.CP?template_name=quick/quick_view.html

    and click on the MySQL Server icon in the databases section. Then clicked “add database” and named it something new so that i didn’t have it clash with the database from saikelly.com, add privileges to existing user from the saikelly.com site and gave it privileges ‘dba’.

    I downloaded all the files and folders from the saikelly.com site using cyberduck and then simply tried to upload all the files and folders using cyberduck into the saiko site hoping to simply change all the necessary links and names and content as i went. To save me designing from scratch. i was hoping that the saikelly.com pages would just be on the new domain saikoproductions.com with all the links and pages simply needing renamed and the gallery content just being missing (i didn’t upload all that data as i didn’t need it)

    I tried changing the config.php file first so that the new details were there like database name, i then ried going back in and adding a new user onto that database instead of simply giving the old user name access and privileges.

    But eventually, all that would happen with any pages i created, would be that they would link across to saikelly.com or just turn to blank pages.

    I design all the sites on the go, live and online in wordpress. I tried using MAMP Pro but couldn’t understand how to set it up, and when an HTML page came up saying that it was now live and installed, I didn’t have a clue how the UI worked.

    1. Do i need a new database per website with new user?
    2. Can i upload and edit old html files in wordpress?
    3. If not can copy across another wordpress site into a different domain and just customise it?
    4. Am i doing anything right here?
    5. Cyberduck is so glitchy and unreliable, is there a better one i should be using?
    6. why do i appear to have copies of wordpress on the saikelly.com site? i copied the original contents of the wordpress folder when installing to the root directory saikelly.com and now theres a saikelly.com/wordpress directory with similar folders and files like plugins, themes, wp_content etc. Do i need to keep the root directory files and folders or have i done a duplication error here?

    Kind regards,


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