• I’ve just uploaded the newest wordpress to a server (not mine, nor is it my account – just doing someone a favour) (version 2.8.?).

    There are still files on the server from his old website. I did this same thing with my own – put the wordpress in a subfolder and run it from there. After it was up an running, I go up to the root directory and remove the old web files.

    When I ran the install for this wordpress installation there was an error notice that wordpress was already installed and I should do something with the database. Sorry I can’t remember the exact wording.

    In all honesty, I don’t want to use the wordpress that’s there – if I remove the old database file, will that allow me to run the new wordpress from the subfolder, or will I need to remove all the old files? I’m not sure what version it is, but it’s a fairly recent site so probably a fairly recent version.

    The guy I’m doing for knows nothing at all about this, and paid someone to build him a website. What he got left with was criminal and not worth keeping.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • you will need to create a new database or change the $table_prefix in wp-config.php to something different than the root blog

    Thread Starter jgraceystinson


    I’m afraid you lost me.

    How do I create a new database? I thought that was created when you do the install?

    I’m afraid I don’t understand the table prefix thing and I don’t even see any wp-config.php in the root or in the wordpress file (there’s a wp-config-sample.php, but it’s empty – totally blank).

    I’m thinking someone might have deleted the files without uninstalling wordpress maybe. Because looking at the files that are in the webroot, none of them really resemble the files you have after a wordpress install. I’d don’t get it.

    Would you be kind enough to tell what should be in the file, and where the heck I am supposed to put it (the config file) – in the webroot, where there’s a bunch of weird files, or in my wordpress folder?

    Essentially, wordpress will not be used for a blogging site, it will be the website, so I need it to be able to use the domain name, as opposed to what’s there now.

    Sorry, I didn’t have this trouble when I set mine up.

    Ah you are issung the script/fantastico installer in your control panel – for some reason those scripts do not allow multiple installations on the same domain.

    Thread Starter jgraceystinson


    I don’t follow you. I have the same files, same template as what I put on my own website and I made two installations there in two separate folders.

    Anyway, I don’t have a control panel in this server. There’s nothing but a webroot folder, a bunch of files that have no resemblance to wordpress and the wordpress folder (subfolder) with the new install in it.

    There is no other wordpress files, there is no dashboard…nothing. So I’m pretty I sure I don’t have this fatastico installer you’re talking about, unless it’s part of wordpress.

    ok my appologies, got crosswired by my own thinking.

    Whats your URL?
    For the wp-config.php, you need to put it in the same folder where your wordpress files are. You can obtain a fresh copy of wp-config-sample.php from the core files you downloaded from www.ads-software.com.

    If you are trying to install wordpress using the same database as the old install, then you will need to drop its contents first for the new install to work.

    If you want I can do the install for you with the same database or a new one. drop me a line at [email protected] – this is not a service offer, just a fovaur to your friend since what happened to him is not nice at all.

    Thread Starter jgraceystinson


    I guess I’m not expressing myself very well.

    There are NO OLD FILES on the server space. There are two folders that look like they belong to WP, but all that’s in them is image files.

    There are files, but they aren’t wordpress files. I don’t know what they are. The guy’s website is a mess. I’m not seeing the files I would expect to see if wordpress were installed.

    But the install I uploaded keeps insisting there’s an old wordpress on it…if so, I can’t find it.


    But – if you don’t mind another question – how would I know if mySQL was installed on this server? There’s only a copy of files I recognize – one for enabling FrontPage extensions and one for another microsoft program.

    Thread Starter jgraceystinson


    Sorry I should have given you mine as well:


    What I’m doing basically is using my template for his site, with new graphics and a small flash logo I made him.

    Thread Starter jgraceystinson


    Okay, this is pretty strange.

    I just looked at his site (allflooringinc) and a lot of the problem areas are gone – he had to menus side by side, two different styles, now there’s only the one.

    So I’m guess there was a wordpress, and someone deleted some of the files which made the mess of the layout.

    Maybe I should try installing in the root folder?

    The html site that’s there is a total mess I see what you meant.

    I think you will be better of saving those files to retain the content and then install wordpress in the root as you suggests.

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