Apologies for the late reply, went out for a while!
Tried the upgrade the plugin, ran into a permissions issue, probably on my side as it was a manual install starting with a blank Ubuntu image & building the LAMP stack then installing wordpress.
Once version two was installed I see the following:
1) When first clicking New Post from PDF, this message appears at the top left corner:
The security check failed
2) I ignored that & uploaded a single PDF (the one that was in the zip file I sent earlier today) & got the following:
File upload successful! /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Meals-for-Montana-Funding-1-3.pdf
Go to new post : Meals-for-Montana-Funding-1-3
3) New post is created and accessible via the Go to new post link above. There are two issues with the conversion:
3.1) Images are not correctly substituted / sized
3.2) Text formatting is not correct.
I published the page to: so you can compare the original PDF with the generated page.
I figured it would be better to stop here & check / fix before moving on to the ZIP file test…
Please let me know if you have questions.