• Hi there,

    This is my first time posting and im sure its wont be my last!
    Was hoping for some help with setting up wordpress.

    This is what ive completed so far…

    Created a MySQL database on the server

    Downloaded wordpress

    Changed the relevant info on wp-config-sample.php file in text edit
    and re saved it as wp-config.php

    Uploaded wordpress to my server* (into a wordpress folder inside of
    public_html folder)
    *i had to use dreamweaver to do this as for some reason filezilla
    will not let me connect to the server.

    And thats everything ive done so far but i get the feeling that i may be doing
    something wrong as my friend says i should be seeing wordpress on my website now.

    i have a holding page up for my site (www.squeakyhill.com), do i have to
    take this down?

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  • Hi benn213,

    All of your WordPress files and folders should be just inside the public_html directory on your server.

    You can upload multiple files with FileZilla. Multi-select files and folders on the left side of the screen in FileZilla (your local computer) by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on each file or folder. Then simply right click and choose Upload or drag them over to the right side of the FileZilla screen (your server).

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter benn213


    Ok, just selected the files individually and uploaded them. All files are now directly in the squeaky hill rot folder but im still getting this message ; https://www.squeakyhill.com/

    Ive been researching what the problem may be and its led me to a couple of questions…

    Firstly a cause of the problem may be that it is a windows platform and not linux. I have emailed one and one to ask which platform it is as its not my account so i wasnt part of the set up.

    Apparently when you use 1and1.co.uk for wordpress you must change the host name in wp-config from locl host to the mySQL database host name given to you in the setup.

    Secondly, in the servers control panel there is a local php settings option and everything is turned to ‘off’. Is that how it should be?

    Could any of these things be causing the database error?

    Ive spent about 13 hours in total trying to get this installed now and i have no idea what im doing wrong.

    Hi benn213,

    Thanks for the update. That information changes things a bit. I’m sorry but I’m not going to be your best resource as my experience is with Linux hosting. I was able to find these tutorials in my research that are specifically about installing WordPress on 1&1:



    Good luck with the install!

    Thread Starter benn213


    Thanks so much for all of your help. Ive managed to get it working somehow!



    Glad to hear that. Good luck with your new site Benn!

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