@xen0chr0me No worries, there are solutions for your website ?? I was under the impression that the Coverage tool that is promoted on the docs page – https://assetcleanup.com/docs/ – is good enough and easy to use. I guess I have to find a way to make people more aware of it and for sure I will need to as it looks like it’s overlooked ??
I briefly checked the homepage of your website and noticed a few hundred KB of unused CSS that could be removed.
For instance, Coverage reports the following as unused on both mobile and desktop views:
– /wp-content/plugins/easy-social-share-buttons3/assets/css/easy-social-share-buttons.min.css
– /wp-includes/css/dist/components/style.min.css?ver=5.7.2
– /wp-includes/css/dist/block-editor/style.min.css?ver=5.7.2
– /wp-content/plugins/easy-social-share-buttons3/assets/css/essb-subscribe.min.css?ver=7.9
– /wp-includes/css/dist/editor/style.min.css?ver=5.7.2
– /wp-content/cache/min/1/wp-content/plugins/gutentoc-advance-table-of-content/dist/blocks.style.build.css?ver=1622881684
– /wp-content/plugins/tablepress-responsive-tables/css/tablepress-responsive.min.css?ver=1.8
– /wp-content/themes/bimber/css/9.1/styles/original-2018/mashshare-light.min.css?ver=9.1
– /wp-content/tablepress-combined.min.css?ver=1622881684
– /themes/bimber/css/9.1/styles/original-2018/essb-light.min.css?ver=9.1
– /wp-content/plugins/easy-social-share-buttons3/assets/js/essb-core.min.js?ver=7.9
– /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js?ver=5.7.2
If you do not use Easy Social Share buttons plugins you can unload all of its files. Moreover, if you have the Pro version, you can unload the whole plugin.
My advice would be to unload these files one by one. You perform an unload, reload the page and if all looks good, you carry on to the next one. This way, you’re 100% safe in case something breaks (it shouldn’t happen, but let’s be on the safe side in case there is a 1% chance of it failing). You can also do it in “Test Mode”.