Hi, thanks for the thoughts.
I tried it with the deactivation of all plugins already – no change.
But I realized an other thing and recall that from installing themes earlier. Al works fine if I set permalinks to default. Problem is only I would like to have a little bit neater links as just ?234 to my blogposts.
Also under the old theme I had to modify my permalink structure to …/index.php/year/postname .. for example. I tried that again. And generally have it working – sort of .. just that at the pagination at the end of the frontpage (I show 14 posts at the moment) the next then would also need to have the index.php/ inserted. I tried it manually and it worked. And so would the archives link.
Here is my blog link: https://www.mindgap.org (currently set to the index.php version – half working.)
In the old template it worked but with the so called PATHINFO (index.php insert) … here I still need to figure out how to add this to the pagination and the archives. The old template was not responsive that is why I would like to change.
So far thank you for all the ideas!