• Hi Everyone,

    I have the Silver Lexus template and want to know how to install an ad graphic in the right sidebar – I tried pasting my graphic in a text widgit but it only accepts text and HTML code. Is there a widget that accepts graphics – or how does one get grapics and graphics with hotlinks into a themes sidebar?

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  • Showing an image on the web = HTML. There is no other way to show an image on the web – except using the proper HTML tags/code.

    Good place to start learning: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp

    Thread Starter blog9477


    Thanks moshu – I have built webpages with Frontpage but am a complete novice when it comes to WP and PHP – I did not even know WP uses HTML except in the text widgets!

    Thanks for the link to the HTML school, but as relates to WP and my delima, the relevant question now becomes: how/where can you load a graphic in WP so you can even reference its source in your file to use in a text widget??

    On the dashboard, I went to the Image Libray tab but there did not seem to be a way to upload images- it only contained the images used in posts and pages…

    Thanks for any assistance you can render.

    If it is an image related to your theme/layout/design – put it in the wp-content/themes/your-theme/images/ folder, using FTP.

    Then check how your themes is linking to its images. Normally, it should be something
    <img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/my-pic.jpg" width="" height="" alt="" title="" />
    (of course, add the proper values in between the “quotes”)

    And just for your own education:

    Thread Starter blog9477


    Many thanks for your help and insight moshu!

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