• Anyone know how to install MySQL on Windows 2003 and get it to work with IIS and PHP? I have the IIS and PHP working fine, but I have no clue how to install MySQL and get it to work with IIS and PHP.

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  • You first need to download and install MySQL, then you will need the graphical interface’s for the MySQL. Try downloading MySQLGUI, MySQL Control Center, MySQL Administrator. Although I don’t think that MySQL Control Center thing. So just take the first then last one. Then you can make your databases through them. For the server address set Word Press to point to localhost. Which should be default. And use the user name that you should have setted up, along with the password. That should be all you need to do.

    I am having a similar problem. I have PHP setup to run in ISAPI mode, and have MySQL installed with the database created. I just cannot get the install.php from the wp-admin directory to run. I get a HTML 404 error. I have my location of the wordpress folder setup as a virtual folder for the IIS server, but no go. Oh, and one more thing I am using Windows Auth.

    wylddrache: You need to run PHP in EXE mode, not ISAPI mode. ISAPI mode sets PHP’s default directory to where you have your ISAPI DLL installed, which is the wrong place.
    If you switch to using the php.exe, you’ll find that the PHP current directory is the same as the location of the PHP source file you execute.
    cgonyea: You only need to download and install one of those packages to get MySQL on Windows working well enough for WP. It’s on this page. It’s labeled “Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003 (x86)”. Just download and run it and MySQL will be installed.
    Open the MySQL installation directory and go to the bin folder. Run mysql.exe -uroot to open the query console. You should be able to create a database for WordPress in there (Enter this: create database wordpress;).
    You will probably want to read on the MySQL site about setting passwords for your databases, or run a firewall to prevent outside access to the MySQL server. Windows 2003 comes with a great NAT port blocker that you can use. It’s under Start|Administrative Tools|Routing and Remote Access. The help file is cryptic, but usable. If you’re using Remote Desktop, be sure to open the required port, 3389, or you won’t be able to log back in.
    After that, you should be able to run the WP install.php through the server. Be sure that PHP is installed as an EXE not as ISAPI.

    Great idea’s ringmaster, but I still get an HTML 404 error while trying to run the install.php. I have php setup to run in EXE mode, and I believe I have the permissions correct for the virtual directory. I even made sure the Internet Guest user had Read & Execute permissions to the actual folder. I had IIS, but I am stuck with it on this server or I would be using Apache…:-)

    I just set up PHP/MySQL on a Windows Small Busines Server. It was NOT pleasant, as enabling the ISAPI dll the first time caused the W3SVC service to fail, bringing down the whole web server.
    Anyways, I found that you need to move a few DLLs to the WINDOWS or WINNT folder depending on your OS.
    For PHP, php4ts.dll, and there is another one for MySQL. I don’t remember the name, but you should get an error message about it if you need to move it.
    This may or may not help, but please let me know as I may have a few more tricks up my sleeve.

    No matter if you set it up to run ISAPI or the EXE, you will need to add the index.php to the list of “default documents” on the web server.

    wylddrache: You need to run PHP in EXE mode, not ISAPI mode. ISAPI mode sets PHP’s default directory to where you have your ISAPI DLL installed, which is the wrong place.

    While true, there is a way to override it, I’ve done it before and it worked. Don’t remember how it was done – I’ve since moved to Apache since it’s stabler.

    I have tried all that, and I am still stuck. Maybe I should add the install.php as a default document, and then give it a try again.
    Thanks for the input.

    I got it. You have to add .php to the Web Service Extentions, and allow it to run. I of course have a new problem, but lets not get into that here.

    I am trying to install MySQL on my local WinXP, however when I run setup.exe nothing happens. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I have installed PHP in .exe mode on my windows 2003 server running IIS 6.0 .I tried phpinfo();.It works fine.
    I also have Mysql database installed and running.But when I try to extract info from the databese I receive nothing…..no error just page done.Can u help me??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    My very first entry on my WP install is an article on How to be a WordPress WIMP (Windows + IIS + MySQL + PHP). Hope it helps someone. Feel free to add comments to improve the process.

    I found this article very helpful:


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