• Resolved mathan54


    HI People,

    I am installing Word Press and am getting an error. Here is the error:

    our PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

    Please check that the mysqli PHP extension is installed and enabled.

    If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the?WordPress support forums.

    I have mysqli uncommented, I think. I renamed the wp-config-?.php to wp-config.php. What else do I need to do?.


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  • threadi


    You must activate the php-mysqli extension. This is not something you can set in WordPress. This must be clarified in your hosting.

    If you have access to all extensions yourself, check carefully whether they are activated. If you change something, you may have to restart dependent services for it to take effect.

    If you have booked hosting, contact your hoster’s support. They will have to solve this for you.

    Thread Starter mathan54


    I have had problems with finding mysqli. I went through my php.ini. There was an example extension = mysqli and I uncommented this to get it to work.

    Thread Starter mathan54


    By the way I am doing this on my computer.



    As I wrote, simply changing a configuration is not enough. You often have to restart services. Since I don’t know what you are working with locally, I can’t give you any more detailed information. You should contact the community whose server software you are using for this.

    Thread Starter mathan54


    mysqlli seems to be missing from my php installation. I do have msqlnd. I remove the semi colon from the example extension = mysqli; I moved the extension = mysqli to the extension section of the php.ini file. But I am still getting this: Error establishing a database connection

    Thread Starter mathan54


    I am using apache 2.4 with mysql 8.4 and php 8.* I thought this was the community forum.



    You are here in the www.ads-software.com forum. This is about support with the installation and use of the WordPress software. There are limits when it comes to configuring hosting systems on which the software is to run. They can only tell you what the conditions are, but not how to configure them in your system.

    I am still unclear about what kind of system you have in front of you. If it is a Windows system on which you have installed Apache etc., you will probably have to restart the Apache service in the Windows settings for your change to take effect. If you have Linux, you will also have to restart the service or services there, depending on what your Linux distribution offers. This can often be done with service apache2 restart, but with some it is done differently. Depending on the system, it may also be necessary to first find the right php.ini and possibly restart completely different services (such as php-fpm).

    Due to the lack of information on this, I cannot give you any further advice at this point. As I said, a community that supports your hosting system might be more helpful as they will certainly know what you are dealing with.

    Thread Starter mathan54


    Look, I am no idiot. I restarted apache. Then I ran phpinfo(); It showed that I have installed into PHP php-mysqli.dll. I am on my computer running Windows 11. Everything is setup to work but it is not working.

    By the way this is the Installing WordPress forum so I don’t have any idea what you are talking about with this. What is this? You are here in the www.ads-software.com forum. This is about support with the installation and use of the WordPress software. I am in the right group, My problem is getting WordPress to work. This is the right forum.

    Thread Starter mathan54


    You are creating problems where there are none.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    *Reads. Raises hand.*

    @mathan54 A few important points.

    1. Threadi is one of the nicest and thorough volunteers on this site. They help LOTS of people.
    2. Based on what you posted, Threadi is correct and is trying to help you solve your problem.
    3. You do not need to listen to anyone’s advice at all, but at no time were you treated badly.
    4. I’m one of the forum moderators. I saw this reply and I wanted to make sure you understand. It appears you are getting offended at someone genuinely trying to help you with your problem.

    If you do not want follow their advice, that is fine. Just please do not make it like you are being mistreated.



    Now we’re getting a little closer to the whole thing. Where did you call the phpinfo() output? In the same Vhost where the WordPress files are located? If not, check where the files are located using phpinfo(), called in the browser, to see what is set there. My guess would be that a different php.ini is used there. Which one this is may depend on the Vhost configuration in Apache.

    Here I also found an answer to a very similar question, where a little more had to be configured in Apache: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67688248/windows-10-apache24-php-7-4-19-not-loading-mysqli

    For local installations with WordPress you can also use https://localwp.com. This means you don’t have to tinker with Apache etc.

    Thread Starter mathan54


    That was of no help. I am in this forum because I am installing Word Press!

    Moderator James Huff


    At this point, this thread isn’t about installing WordPress, it’s about setting up your local server environment, which is not something we all can effectively help with here, due to wide variations between existing server environments and host computer configurations.

    WordPress won’t install because you have not properly compiled PHP with the mysqli extension. We can generally only help you install WordPress on a properly configured server.

    In this case, I have to recommend either cooling down and working with Threadi here (who is, again, a real, very knowledgely, extremely helpful, and remarkably patient person), or seeking support for setting up your server in the support resource for whatever server environment you have chosen.

    Or, just install XAMPP and follow these steps: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/advanced-administration/debug/test-driving/#installing-wordpress-on-your-windows-desktop

    Or, if you want absolutely none of the headache of installing and managing a server on your computer, even XAMPP, use https://localwp.com

    Or, if all you want to do is experiment with WordPress, visit https://www.ads-software.com/playground/

    @mathan54 after you make php.ini changes you need to restart the Apache service (from Windows Services) in order for the required module to be loaded.

    I think you can access the services program by WINDOWS key + R (run) services.msc

    .. or restart your computer.

    then try opening php info page again

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