• We are really happy to announce the arrival of a new service – the installing of WordPress for free.
    No need to offer money, no need to worry about trusting your details and no need to worry about the job being left incomplete. We will do it for nothing.

    There is more information on our blog: https://install4free.wordpress.com

    Right now there is a team of 10 of us. We all have extensive experience with WordPress, we all have given our time and expertise in the https://www.ads-software.com/support forums and we all not only trust each other but we are trusted by our peers.

    You want WordPress? You got it ??

    Tell people!

    (note: installing, not hosting)

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  • whooami – I did think certain people would know about the biggest search engine on the net, yes…….

    For anyone who wants to read how this came about, who has been involved, who the installers probably are and how long this has been thought about:
    They all link to the wp-forums mailing list.
    A post about it was made to the wp-hackers list too.

    If you STILL doubt the honest and helpful intentions behind this idea you can ask yourself why the moderators are not ripping into this thread.

    Do NOT start the “I can do this so why can’t others” rubbish.
    Do NOT start the “Teach to fish” junk either – or maybe we shouldn’t have plugins because we should all go learn php eh?

    This is a real project by people who want to help other potential users of WordPress.


    First, chill!

    Secondly, I never questioned the honesty of the people who are offering this service. I only questioned the intention of providing a service that gets people started without a real direction to head in.

    Please don’t feel like you are the only one answering questions in the forums, you have been prolific in your posts for as long I’ve been here and might have been “tagged” with a title that indicates your prominence in this forum, but there are many others who provide valuable answers to those who seek answers as best as we can.

    Most of those people got there because they probably tried everything themselves, struggled and learned. If that didn’t happen, then there would be less people adept in dealing with all variety of WP questions.

    This might be an issue with personalities. I am a Software Engineer by trade and appreciate trying something and in time learning how things work. Others might or might not agree. And I do expect that if I can do something without too much heartache, others should be able to do it as well, or at least give it a damn good try!

    But whatever..I think my time in these forums is nearing it’s end, I will continue to use WP for my personal use..

    Regards and Ciao..

    Podz, I don’t appreciate the ‘tone’ you are using when speaking with to the ‘you lot’ group. Although this might be the first most of us have hard about this, we very respectfully spoke of our concerns with this new service. I personally did not question the honesty of anyone involved, but it’s a valid point, and can very legitimately be asked, *and* answered. The links you’ve provided are helpful, as are the respectful responses I’ve also read.

    I personally believe the moderators should hold themselves to a higher standard of behaviour than the people they are moderating. Or at least to the same standard. You’re telling people not to ask valid questions, and not to point out very valid concerns. Perhaps these concerns have been addressed in another place. All I know is that this is the first I’ve heard of it, I chose to respond to the announcement here.

    If this topic is valid for this forum, surely respectfully stated concerns and questions are also valid.

    I think the free installs are a great idea, and the people behind it are top-notch.

    Podz, might be good to have an “about” page on the site listing the folks involved.


    It’s there.
    Go read.

    This is a new and untested service and we’ll just see how it turns out. You may well have concerns about such an arrangement, but anyone is free to choose to use it or not. I can see no harm in that. If it turns out that for some reason it doesn’t work well it will be improved or nicely shut down.

    As for the opinion that a blogger is better off learning the installation process, I agree, but not everyone need to know the technicalities of WordPress from day one.

    For the not so tech savvy, it might be a good thing to just start blogging. Then peu à peu discover how to tune or change a theme, install plugins, etc.

    By slowly learning stuff, probably supported by the helpful crowd in the WP support forum, the blogger will be able to make a WP upgrade or even build his/her own theme.

    It’s all about getting started, and about promoting a good blogging platform.

    Let’s hope it works out, and let’s not bring it down before it leaves the launch pad!

    @podz, please change your tone. We are not children that need to be scolded! Act like the adult you are!

    Personally, I think podz is acting fine and you guys are the ones with the problems, but maybe that’s just me…

    I have to agree. Between this thread and the mailinglist, I think a few folks just need to stfu and let the people involved do what it is they set out they do.

    If you dont like the wording on the blog-site, tough.
    Dont like the announcement wording, tough.
    Dont like the idea, dont use it.

    Isnt that simple enough? The folks that help people here day after sorry day deserve better than the crap they get here most of the time.

    Haha, I feel like I’m back in high school. This place has developed these nice clicks and groups..wonderful!



    click is what your pen does.

    Cypher – stop “threatening” to leave the forums and either do it or don’t. No one’s going to beg you to stay, but you’ve made this threat twice now, yet you keep coming back here to throw out your opinions.

    Just stop already.

    really? for free? sounds like a good deal. on the main site, perhaps, a link to each individual’s personal page in addition to their “forum profile” would also help.

    “a link to each individual’s personal page in addition to their “forum profile” would also help.”

    That’s a nice thought, however this is a service being provided by well known members of this forum. Originally they didn’t want to use any names, so as to prevent people from being contacted outside the “program” – however they’ve since decided to link to their forum profile so as to show their credibility… if someone doesn’t put their personal site in their forum profile, THEY have a good reason for it – whatever that reason might be.

    This is a “service” – it’s related to the forums in that the people involved are long-time and well-respected members of this forum. It has nothing to do with their personal pages or sites…

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