• We are really happy to announce the arrival of a new service – the installing of WordPress for free.
    No need to offer money, no need to worry about trusting your details and no need to worry about the job being left incomplete. We will do it for nothing.

    There is more information on our blog: https://install4free.wordpress.com

    Right now there is a team of 10 of us. We all have extensive experience with WordPress, we all have given our time and expertise in the https://www.ads-software.com/support forums and we all not only trust each other but we are trusted by our peers.

    You want WordPress? You got it ??

    Tell people!

    (note: installing, not hosting)

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  • I love heated discussions !

    My own 2 cents:

    Sooner or later, you have to trust the person on the other end.

    Knowing someone’s blog address does not speak to the issue of identity that I’m raising.

    Will you be happy if the service provider gave you an email address ?
    Not good enough ? How about a website ? Still not good enough, how about a phone number ? Their home address ? A fax of their government issued photo id ? A DNA sample ?
    (All of the above can be faked and/or are unreliable)

    Again, sooner or later you need to trust the person that you’re giving the information to.

    There’s nothing heated about anything I’m discussing. Just for the record.

    In order for me to be comfortable advocating that someone give their password to a stranger, I need more confidence in the accountability of the service providers, and their system. It’s not just about the identity of the person providing the assistance, although that is part of it.

    It appears right now that everyone involved can read the password of the requester. (If that’s not correct, please clarify). The problem with that is obvious (I hope, ask me to explain if not). I would personally prefer it if only a single individual could read the information. And I would also prefer it if the requester had a say in who they will accept help from. They may already trust one individual, and it would be great if they could select that one. As I haven’t gone all the way through the process, I don’t really understand how it works. Perhaps some of what I’m talking about has been implemented. I would welcome some clarification on that.

    Colso, I’m glad it served your need. Thanks for explaining how it was a good solution for you. I appreciate reading the feedback from people who have actually requested the service.

    While we are on the subject of identities, I notice that your web site url is not linked within your own profile, manstraw. Perhaps you might like to rectify that omission so that those that might be “recommended” or “advoctaed” by you can decide whether or not they actually desire your esteemed advocation.

    No reply necessary, I just wanted to point out your apparant purposeful act of omission.

    “I would personally prefer it if only a single individual could read the information. And I would also prefer it if the requester had a say in who they will accept help from.”

    Again, please read the maillist archives regarding the whole topic in it’s entirety. Everything – how it works, how it won’t work, everything – is in there.

    As colso said, “I’d like to thank the initiators and my personal supporter who did the wordpress installation for me through this service two days before. When asking for this support, I achieved his profile and mainpage prompt and trusted in his experience and his good name in wordpress forums.”

    So it’s stated right there for you that colso was given a “personal supporter” (the installer) who did the install, and when asking for the support, colso apparantly received all the information s/he had asked for in order to make a conscious decision as to whether or not to issue passwords to the installer… before it was done.

    I’m going to continue to refer to the maillist here – again, I think that’s the best place for you to read up on the history of the project from idea to implementation. I also think it’s the best place for asking questions, because while some of those members might not come here to the forums every day (or ALL day), they do get their email.

    That, or use the contact form on the install4free site to ask questions if you’re hesitant.

    manstraw, why don’t you go through the process yourself then? see it for yourself… set up a site, go through the process on the site, give the installers your passwords, and then, like any normal person SHOULD do, change the passwords. (yes, this is even suggested by the install team.) See if someone “hacks” into your stuff, or destroys anything else you have on there. Maybe that’s the only way for you, since you still apparantly haven’t read all the archives, and you haven’t taken your questions to the people who can answer them.

    whooami, I am not considering recommending it to people in this forum. I am considering recommending it to people I know in other circles, primarily ‘real life’ contacts. Those people know much more about me than I am prepared to reveal in this public forum.

    Lady, if you don’t want to be helpful, that’s fine, I won’t hold it against you. However, this is the perfect place to clarify some of these issues. It’s unreasonable to expect everyone who may consider making use of, or recommending this service to study the development process. If a potential user could understand the conversation, I don’t believe they would need the help in the first place. Transparency and ease of access to these issues is a good thing. If you’re not prepared to offer the necessary answers, it’s my hope someone else will be more willing. I’ve brought the questions up here because the announcement was made here, and this is a discussion forum. I really don’t want to have a discussion any more about whether or not I’m entitled to ask questions here. If you don’t want to answer, that’s fine. Please stop telling me I shouldn’t ask. I’m being respectful, and quite tolerant of what I consider to be poor treatment.

    As you’ve actually made one statement that is relevent to my concerns, I’ll respond to that. I agree that an important step in this process is for the requester to change passwords after the work is done. This does not, however, negate security concerns. From what I’ve read, I’m still under the impression that a significant number of people will be able to read the password information, eventhough they won’t be the ones doing the installation. Should anyone be able to further explain this process, I would appreciate it.

    Holy crap, people. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. It’s as simple as that. But, for the people who wouldn’t otherwise use our software because of the learning curve, this can be a nice leg-up.

    “I’m still under the impression that a significant number of people will be able to read the password information, eventhough they won’t be the ones doing the installation.”

    Bottom line is this, the only people who have access to that information are the people involved with the project. What honest difference does it make, when all the people involved are trustworthy and available for questions or to discuss your concerns? That’s what the contact form on the install4free site is FOR.

    And yes, I’m going to say it again. If you would take the time to review the process, you’d know how this works. It says it all over the site and in the maillist. What is so hard about questioning the RIGHT people, in the RIGHT place? What is so wrong about suggesting that you do some research in the right places? You wouldn’t go shopping for shoes in a china shop, nor would you expect the owner of the shoestore to come to your home with their display cases. Don’t you think that if you WERE asking in the right place, that someone would’ve already been here and would’ve given you the answers you seek? None of the people on the list of installers has even bothered to come in here except right in the beginning. I wonder why that is?? Take a read at what some people have said here, and think on that. Can you really blame them? However I don’t EVER remember them saying anywhere that you weren’t free to ask questions should you want to use the service.

    I don’t understand why you’re making this so difficult, manstraw. Ask the right questions in the right places and you can get the answers you seek. Isn’t it obvious that this is NOT the right place? Regardless of how YOU feel, it’s up to those offering the service where they choose to discuss it. And once the feedback on this thread turned negative, they chose not to come back to it. So maybe YOU should find THEM.

    “Lady, if you don’t want to be helpful…”

    I’m TRYING to be helpful. However you feel that you have the right to determine who talks to you where. If I HAD the solid answers you seek, I’d probably give them to you. However being that I was only part of the “ideas” and am not an installer, I refuse to try to answer your questions directly for you, because I don’t want to give you an incorrect answer. So I tell you how to get the right answers, and you would rather just sit here and wonder why no one’s coming to YOU. You’d rather not go through the best possible channels. You’re DEMANDING answers in a place you most likely won’t get them.

    I’m sorry if you don’t feel that my directions are valid… however I say what I do ONLY to be helpful. It’s not my problem that you can’t see that.

    whooami, I am not considering recommending it to people in this forum. I am considering recommending it to people I know in other circles, primarily ‘real life’ contacts. Those people know much more about me than I am prepared to reveal in this public forum.

    Now that you have adressed me about this, I did, afterall, state that I desired no reply:

    You have missed the point.

    You say you need more info, clarification, blah blah blah before you “advocate” such a service. Im saying, perhaps you ought to do the same, so that those that you “might” advocate can decide whether or not they really give a crap who you are, and what your opinion is worth. If youre not willing to out yourself on a public forum to those of us that are so beneath you on this public forum — maybe you would like to drop podz a private email.

    I see that as only being fair. Dont you?

    I bet you dont.

    ill do it for you, then,

    (im now done with this thread.)

    whooami. I am not asking anyone to give me access to their website. I have no reason to make my information public, and have never asked one of the installers to make their information public. You are out of line posting a link to my website.

    mods, whooami has published a link to my website as some sort of point. I feel that this is out of line, and would like you to remove it please. It’s in this post https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/79287/page/2?replies=54#post-411232

    lady, I am not demanding anything. I’m just asking questions. Please, I beg you, keep this forum peaceful.

    I’ll say it again. If anyone can respond to some of my concerns, I would appreciate it.

    You’re asking them in the wrong place.

    Look, fine. I’ll give in to your DEMANDS (yes, you are demanding that people answer you here, rather than taking the time yourself to find the information you seek) and post the latest response to your latest question, that I will now copy from the install4free website (where you would’ve seen it if you weren’t being so blatantly stubborn about doing your own research) and paste the answer here for you. Hopefully this will either show you that yes, your questions ARE answered elsewhere, or that maybe you should begin to take the advice of others who might… just might… have a little more knowledge than you do.

    “What we ask of you:
    – That you give the nominated person your hosting login and password. At a minimum, the nominated person needs create a database and upload files via FTP. A control panel login is ideal.”

    This information was copied directly from here:

    The wording states “that you give the nominated person” – not persons, not group, not the world. the nominated PERSON.

    Happy now? I too am fed up at this point, and like whooami, am done with this thread. I have now PROVEN to you that the answers you seek so desperately could’ve been discovered HOURS ago by yourself, had you spent your time reading rather than in here defending your demands for people to hand over answers to you like it’s a god damned examination you’re giving with a pass or fail option.

    Now, I’m sure you’re going to go find someone else’s blog to thrash me on as you have done before. Go right the hell ahead.

    Mods, please, I really don’t want to take any more abuse. Can you do something about this situation? Delete everything if you have to. I’ll have no problem if you also delete my posts if you feel it serves the greater good.


    [deleted by myself]

    Please, may I ask everybody to refrain from personal attacks and remarks…?

    If the initiators of the project will feel so – they will defend it (or not); will make, eventually, changes (as they already did).
    No need for emotional “defence”.
    Please, respond to ideas, not persons.

    Thank you.

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