• Hi all,

    I have completed numerous WordPress installs on Unix without a problem but never IIS.

    I have a client using WebCentral for hosting and IIS is all they offer.

    I had to have PHP and MYSQL added to the account, I downloaded the latest WP install files and all was running smoothly until WP tried to create the wp-config.php file (had to do it manually), and I tried to set up a custom structure for permalinks (and got the “If your .htaccess file were writable, we could d…” message) and I tried to automatically update a plugin (I got this message “Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content).”) and I tried to add a new plug in (same as previous message).

    For me, all problems pointed at permissions errors however I had WebCentral check and when they looked exactly as suggested in the documentation, I was told to ask on the WordPress forum.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I want to exhaust all avenues before telling the client he needs to change hosting company.

    I have added a phpinfo call in the footer if it helps:


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  • Hi Ben,

    Yeah! I gave up in the end as I got through the setup and then had issues just simply uploading some media files. Kept saying that the folder didn’t have permission to create an uploads folder etc. I changed the permissions to 755 etc but still had the same problems.


    I changed the permissions to 755

    Such permissions apply to Apache. not IIS.

    Ok, so updating the folder permissions will not work on IIS?. I normally don’t need to toch this when setting up WordPress on other hosting environments.

    The Web Central configuration is very problematic so far.

    IIS ignores such, it uses a different set of permissions. A good IIS host will be able to assist you in setting the web (etc.) permissions required for WP (many provide you with such tools).

    OK thanks for that. I don’t usually use Web Central but having to work through it as the client has their hosting with them.

    I’m on hold now (25min) trying to get some support.

    Web Central fixed the uploads for me by adding modify/write permissions on the uploads folder. I’m still having other issues as I have plugins which also require write access to folders. I’m awaiting a response to see if I have any ability to change permissions myself or if I need to submit a request for every time I need something changed.

    You need to verify that plugins use only PHP and not Apache code. If they are calling strings to an Apache server they will fail. PHP runs fine under IIS (and has for years). Plugins running under IIS that make such calls will ‘bork’ your site.

    Did you have any luck with the install in the end? I am about to attempt it. I have created a request to the Tech Support team but am yet to hear back from them. Unfortunatly we have signed up with Webcentral for the next 2 years so I have to make this work. Would love your feedback. Thanks

    Not really, I got it all working and as reasonably happy but this had taken probably 4 hours of messing around. Then when I went to add the permalinks feature they couldn’t initiate the mod_rewrite feature within the server environment which was disappointing.

    Moved to Digital Pacific and had it all up and running within an hour.

    If you need to stay with them just ask them to put you on a server that can run WordPress and allow the Mod Re_Write.


    This link may help sort out permalink issues on IIS7 (follow the included links also)

    I got most things working apart from the permalinks. Having to request any folder permissions changes was a pain for troubleshooting problems.

    Best tip I can give is submit the ticket then ring them quoting the ticket number. While you wait on hold for a long time I got most things fixed up over the phone. I had tickets sitting unanswered for days otherwise.


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