• I’ve been working on this problem for more than 8 hours now. Does anyone know why the install.php file can’t find the wp-config.php file.

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  • Permissions on wp-config.php file? It should be 644 – I think. If it’s less, it gives error.

    This is a what the topic now! The only thing that i can think of other then what Moshu said is possible there is an error with the file. However, I highly doubt that could be the reason.

    I don’t see a solution here. Anyone got one?

    I’m having the same problem, and quite surprised there isn’t an apparent solution.

    Please see: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/36983?replies=5

    I have re-installed, checked permissions, cleared cookies/cache, etc.

    The admin center works fine. “View Site” does not.

    Please help.

    knowlimit: I’m having the same problem

    We are either reading two different threads here… or I don’t know.
    Your “same” problem is totally different: you have it installed and these guys here are trying to install it.
    So, please, tell me what is “the same”? And more importantly: why are you hijacking a topic (and double posting)???

    moshu, I believe “trying to install” and not being able to view site is “the same”… I don’t know. How is WordPress installed when I cannot view the site?

    My problem, whenever I attempt to access my site, is exactly as stated by BigC and CitizenN: “There doesn’t seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started. Need more help? We got it. You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this doesn’t work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file.”

    In addition, it is related because I’ve had to change wp-config to fix the failed opening required error: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/36747?replies=1

    Hijacking a topic? Absolutely not. Like BigC and CitizenN, I am having similar failed installation issues.

    Double posting? No. Created June 2005 and still no solution.

    More importantly: I’m just trying to contribute; and furthermore, determined to solve this frustrating installation/wp-config.php problem.

    While I respect your time to help all of us, I believe jessatrightlook, synergyeffect, BigC and CitizenN all have the “same” problem that is related to wp-config and how the server is interpreting the file.

    The DB setup and connection isn’t really the problem, but I believe it keeps coming up in these posts because once the installation fails, the script keeps requesting to reset the DB.

    Also, can you explain: “Usually it’s not where it is supposed to be”? It’s a little vague.

    Thanks for your continued support. I hope there is a solution soon.

    I am a total beginner with databases and had the same problem: Having edited the wp-config-sample.php file with a text editor (NotePad) and renaming it to wp-config as instructed I finally realized that it had been saved with a .txt extension. After editing the file using Dreamweaver which preserved the .php extension everything is fine; I presume the same would happen if I had instead renamed from within NotePad to a .php extension. I hope this helps.

    Here is what you can do to solve both problems.

    Delete the wp-config.php file if you have one. If you don’t have one don’t worry about it.

    chmod the directory where the wordpress installation is located to 777.

    So if its /public_html chmod to 777

    Then type in the URL of the installation in your browser. (if its your /public_html folder this will be https://www.##########.com if in a folder called blog https://www.##########.com/blog/)

    You should get this message “There doesn’t seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started. Need more help? We got it. You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this doesn’t work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file.”

    WordPress can only create the wp-config.php file if the directory is 777.

    After you’ve done this you’ll get a screen which will allow you to enter the correct mysql database, username, and password (that you have previously set up).

    Takes a short time to set up.

    After this is done chmod back the directory to 755.

    Thanks Honewatson, I’ve been struggling for days to get my WP install to work. This was the answer in my case!

    I have had the same problem (same messages as above). I don’t know how to “chmod” to those numbers; can I just change the permissions using the server to allow “others” to “write” to the directory?

    Many thanks

    I did change the permissions and was able to begin installation–only to be roadblocked by other errors. I’ll post them on a different topic, but changing permissions did work…at least to start….
    Many thanks

    I installed WordPress locally on a Windows 2000 PC with XAMPP.

    When I followed the 5 minute install procedure, I got the error message reported by many on this site (“wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get…”). I did not find a solution on this site that would work for me(and I tried every solution I could find that matched my problem).

    I finally figured it out, and my site works now.

    The problem was that I was launching the readme.htm file from within Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer is a file browser, not a web browser like Internet Explorer. When I double-clicked on the readme.htm file within Windows Explorer, it then launched Internet Explorer and pointed it at something like “file///C:/path/to/readme.htm”. It opened Readme.htm, and it looked correct, but I finally noticed that the URL in the address bar looked like above. When I clicked on the install link, I got the error message many of us have reported.

    A solution is to access the readme.htm web page via your web server – not directly from your local harddisk as I did above. Just open your web browser, type the proper URL for the readme.htm file (NOT the local harddisk path), and hit ENTER. For example, I opened Internet Explorer, clicked in the Address bar, typed something like, “https://myIPnumber/wordpress/readme.htm” and hit ENTER. Here’s another possibility, “https://localhost/wordpress/readme.htm”. After that I clicked on the install link, and everything worked as promised in the 5 min install procedure. Unfortunately in my case (and a few unfortunate others), it was more like 6 hour install procedure (sheepish grin).

    Now that it is working, I realize that all the research, troubleshooting, and hacking I did to try to fix this problem actually helped me learn quite a bit about WordPress and XAMPP – something I needed to do anyway (and continue to need to do). Of course, the trivial solution to my problem is a little embarassing, but all the other stuff I learned about XAMP and WordPress in the process of solving that problem was worth it.

    I hope this will help some of you get your WordPress installation up and running. And hopefully, in due time, your hair will grow back, as mine is beginning to do.

    [There are many threads about this problem, and I don’t know how to point those threads to this possible solution. Perhaps someone can help with that]



    I am having the same issue with the wp-config and I reinstalled the file thinking it would fix the problem. It didn’t. My site was working fine til about 2 days ago when it began having this wp-config issue. https://taz.bulletproofsoul.info

    Well after reading so many threads regarding same prob…I have to mention this…

    After installing WordPress and tweaking I’ve got the the same point..When I try run install.php i get the msg “There doesn’t seem to be a wp-config.php file…”

    The ‘tweaking’ involved…
    The installation threw all the files to the WordPress directory…wp-admin was not created,wp-includes was empty so I moved some files(indicated by several err msg’s) to wp-includes(* be interested to find anyone else with this particular prob).This resolved those msg’s and now I get the wp-config file not there msg.

    I had Wpress running previously on my host -so it can handle WordPress.

    Just to be sure is there a list outlining what files should be in what directories. For some reason I thought the install.php would have placed them in the correct locations- if I had got it going.

    Yes. I have reloaded the wp-config.php file and edited passwords etc in to it.

    Yes.. I have renamed wp-config-sample.php a(edited in correct password info).

    Yes.. the chmod permissions are ok..wordpress 777 and the dir’s underneath it also.
    What I did notice was that in the Cpanel when looking at permissions for files/dir’s it showed 755 in left hand panel but the permission settings(in right panel) showed 777 – i found that for 777 to apply I had to press the ‘update’ button. A bit misleading if i had just looked at the right panel and saw 777 for wordpress directory thinking that this was the actual setting.

    Could there be something wrong with the installation itself or maybe the files -regardless if it has worked for those few?

    Ok! Here’s what worked for me….

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