Work around:
In this thread was the hint I needed to work around the blank html document returned by install.php when it should have been the generated password for the admin account during installation.
The install script stores a generated password, in the MySql database table as a MD5 function. Thus it is possible to enter into that database table, a known password with this MySql command entered from the MySql command line interface to your blog’s database:
MySql>update wp_users set user_pass=md5(‘password_of_choice’) where user_login=’admin’;
Then, when logging into your blog, as ‘admin’, with password ‘password_of_choice’, you will have control of your blog. Unless something else has failed.
This, of course, presumes that you have access to your MySql database, either via command line, or mysql client.
This only addresses the situation in my previous post where step two of the installation returns a document stating (more or less) entering data into database, and which should also return the admin account password, and the keyword ‘finished’ but fails to return that password.
If you have access to your MySql blog database you can see the generated data for the admin account with:
mysql>select user_login, user_email, user_pass from wp_users;
If your tables are not created, or there is no data, this work around won’t help you.