You don’t need “pdf popup” template in order to create such popup as you want.
Please follow the instruction –
1. Create popup using Common templates.
2. Set to show popup when “Click on certain link / button / other element” and “Until users makes an action” on Main tab settings –
3. Use insert “onclick” attribute for your link. It should look like this link – <a href="" onclick="return ppsCheckShowPopup(100);">Download</a>
In this case when user will be clicking this link he will see the popup first and after his subscription he will be able to download the file.
4. If you want to use popup only for one document or file – you need to add link of this document for “Redirect after subscription URL” field on Subscribe tab –
Or you are be able to set up several links via one popup. For this you need to activate “Redirect to button URL” checkbox for Redirect after subscription URL option and to leave the field empty –
If you will do all as I said above – your popup will work for all downloads per page. If already subscribed user will click on link with downloads – he simply will download the file, popup will not be showed again for him.
Please try it. If you will have any problems with it – just let us know.