• Resolved raulw


    Hi, I have a problem with this plugin. The Instant Articles does not have any content but the rest of the details are there.

    				<title>Social Media Analytics - Cum ?i ce trebuie s? monitorizez?</title>
    					<![CDATA[<!doctype html><html><head><link rel="canonical" href="https://www.raullazar.me/social-media-analytics-cum-si-ce-trebuie-sa-monitorizez/"/><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta property="op:generator" content="facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php"/><meta property="op:generator:version" content="1.0.2"/><meta property="op:transformer" content="facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php"/><meta property="op:transformer:version" content="1.0.2"/><meta property="op:markup_version" content="v1.0"/><meta property="fb:use_automatic_ad_placement" content="true"/><meta property="fb:article_style" content="default"/></head><body><article><header><figure><img src="https://www.raullazar.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/social-media-analytics.png"/></figure><h1>Social Media Analytics - Cum ?i ce trebuie s? monitorizez?</h1><time class="op-published" datetime="2016-04-10T11:34:35+00:00">April 10th, 11:34am</time><time class="op-modified" datetime="2016-04-10T17:38:41+00:00">April 10th, 5:38pm</time><h3 class="op-kicker">Internet Marketing</h3><figure class="op-ad"><iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/adnw_request?placement=471749213023873_471756139689847&adtype=banner300x250" width="300" height="250"></iframe></figure></header></article></body></html>]]>
    				<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.raullazar.me/?p=1793</guid>
    				<description><![CDATA[To?i urm?rim sfaturi, ?ncerc?m lucruri noi constant ?i c?ut?m noi posibilit??i/strategii de a promova produsele/con?inutul nostru pe re?elele sociale, dar ?ntrebarea este: ?tim cat de eficiente sunt? M?sur?m destul de atent eforturile noastre? ?tiind toate datele putem optimiza timpul ?i eforturile noastre, putem maximiza ca?tigul ?i ?ansele de reu?it? ?n strategiile noastre. Problema multora este]]></description>

    I have saw that is a problem with PHP 5.3 but I have 5.4.

    • WP version – 4.4.2
    • Plugin version – 2.5
    • PHP version – 5.4.38


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  • Thread Starter raulw


    The problem persist, even if I do it like @marhgil, the error is like I said: No rules defined for <div> in the context of InstantArticle.
    Others: Interesting is that other plugin works, but has some errors (The HTML element does not contain any text: Avoid including empty HTML elements).
    I would like to use this plugin if you have any suggestion how can I resolve this.
    @jdruce, now the limit is 10 articles, so you don’t have to do it to 50 articles ??

    Thread Starter raulw


    I resolve my problem by putting this “transformer rule”:

        "rules" :
                    "class": "PassThroughRule",
                    "selector" : "div"
                    "class": "PassThroughRule",
                    "selector" : "hr"

    The problem was:

    Custom div from the live composer.

    Other problem:

    On some articles, there was a problem (validation problem) with “width” and “weight” from the photos and hr.


    I also have the same issue and now just cant get the fix for this

    No rules defined for <html> in the context of InstantArticle

    I have installed all latest updates and still cant get this up and running ..can some one help me


    FIGURED THIS OUT… if you use any kind of relative links in the URL structure – /content/article without the full domain, this is what comes back.

    I’ve got a new error now – and I’m clueless as to how it’s happening. I thought it was perhaps because the slug was long, but I’ve edited the slug and it’s still showing this issue.

    The server responded with the following messages:

    URL is Incomplete: The URL used for this media element is missing information. We have automatically filled in information for you. Please check that the URL is now correct and complete.

    Still getting the error

    can some one help me please

    attached the code for your reference

    <link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.bahrainthisweek.com/chicken-enchilada-bundt-bread/”/&gt;
    <meta charset=”utf-8″/>
    <meta property=”op:generator” content=”facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php”/>
    <meta property=”op:generator:version” content=”1.0.6″/>
    <meta property=”op:generator:transformer” content=”facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php”/>
    <meta property=”op:generator:transformer:version” content=”1.0.6″/>
    <meta property=”op:markup_version” content=”v1.0″/>
    <meta property=”fb:article_style” content=”default”/>
    <article><header><figure><img src=”deleted for reasons”/></figure><h1>Chicken Enchilada Bundt Bread</h1><time class=”op-published” datetime=”2016-05-04T17:41:40+00:00″>May 4th, 5:41pm</time><time class=”op-modified” datetime=”2016-05-06T15:28:58+00:00″>May 6th, 3:28pm</time><address>Roy</address></header></article>

    Same problem here, i can’t use the quick edit… any solution? (custom rule above not work for me). Thanks

    This issue is still active with the latest update. Scheduled posts are published with no content to Instant Articles. After saving them (not quick edit), they update and have everything.

    I have also Same Problem “Empty Articles: You have one or more articles without any content.”.Please tell how to fix it.

    PLEASE YOUR ARTICLE SHOULD INCLUDE PARAGRAPH TAG <P>—-</P> and can add heading tag optionally
    i hope it will be fixed
    sorry for my poor english
    mohamed from somaliland (nothern somalia)

    I think this will help for those who migrated from Blogger.

    1. Delete all the empty articles from your “Production Articles”
    2. Now Open 5 posts and update them again
    3. Check now. If problem exists, Below the post editor in WordPress dashboard you will see “Facebook Instant Articles” there you may you see this problem //No rules defined for <div> in the context of InstantArticle//.
    4. Now you have to remove all the <div> codes from the post. Its like creating the article again. Once you do that your post will be added to Instant Articles.

    Everything was working fine with my blog untill I decided to change the position of a particular division from top half of the page to the bottom.

    Now the Instant Articles doesnt have any header image and all the ad slots are blank. Anyone here know what I should do?

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