• Hi guys,

    I’m pretty new here and I would appreciate some help. I’m now working with basic wordpress sites for a year. For the last days, I’m looking for a plugin/functionality that I can’t find yet. I’ve gone through all normal search plugins (including Relevanssi, Dave’s, search manager and many more) but I can’t find what I’m looking for. It sounds very simple and I might be stupid to not find it yet.

    I’m working on a website for a company and there’s a dedicated page for each country. I want to add a search function that easily sends the user to the right country page. Should be instant search with instant results. Ideally, I would add all country’s in kind of a menu option and search that.

    When the user searches something (for example “NE”) it should instantly show country’s that contain NE, for example, Nepal, Netherlands etc.

    Who can help me with this. I really appreciate it!

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  • Hi jornesc,

    there is an old search plugin called Instant Search Suggest (not been updated since two years), which might solve your problem as it allows you to choose what should be queried and suggested (e.g. posts, pages, etc…).

    Not sure if it works with the latest version of WP, but might be worth a try.
    Here’s the link to the download page on the WordPress repository:

    Thread Starter jornesc


    Hi wpercom, thank you for your answer. It’s coming close except that I can’t add the to index pages. Exclude pages is not a great solution as new pages/post will be created quite often by not so technical people

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