• Hello. I’ve signed up for both Stripe Live and Plaid Development mode. The institution search comes up fine when using the test credentials, but not the live credentials.

    Do I have to wait for approval (and pay) for Plaid production mode before this will work?

    Thank you.

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  • Happy to send over @jwind can you give me some idea where the log is located? The logging window in the plugin never seems to populate. I turned it on, tried a transaction, nothin shows up in the logging section.

    update: I tried after creating a fresh wordpress user, still the same result. Bank connection (Chase) works great, I get a text to authenticate ownership, put in the code, it returns to the page for Pay button, then it gets stuck there, hangs after submitting @jwind

    Plugin Author justinwhall


    If you have debugging on you can find an error log in wp-content. If not, you’ll have to ask your host where they store php error logs.

    would it be easier to give you ftp to the directory (WPEngine)? Happy to give you link to test the payment page yourself. Where can I send it? It’s fresh install default theme, no other plugins @jwind

    Just finished marathon session with WPEngine support, according to my chat rep, the plugin is not generating logs. We tested two transactions with debug turned on, possible??

    Plugin Author justinwhall


    Errr, not really. Gotta be a log somewhere. I’ll take a look later but can’t really say for sure what i’m looking for unless, well, I know what Im looking for.

    I just got a new chat rep, we did another test transaction while he watched for logs. No luck. If I send you ftp access and the URL the plugin is installed on, you could test for yourself and see. how do I send that to you securely?

    I sent you support ticket from the site, check your email for more info @jwind


    Morning @jwind quick update, I did somet testing today with my hosting company, here is log of the error I’m seeing on this end? Thoughts?

    PHP Fatal error:

    Uncaught Stripe\\Error\\InvalidRequest: Could not determine which URL to request: Stripe\\Token instance has invalid ID: in /nas/content/live/MYDOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiResource.php:119\nStack trace:\n#0 /nas/content/live/MYDOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiResource.php(132): Stripe\\ApiResource::resourceUrl(NULL)\n#1 /nas/content/live/MYDOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiResource.php(56): Stripe\\ApiResource->instanceUrl()\n#2 /nas/content/live/MYDOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiOperations/Retrieve.php(24): Stripe\\ApiResource->refresh()\n#3 /nas/content/live/MYDOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/public/class-wp-stripe-plaid-public.php(233): Stripe\\Token::retrieve(NULL)\n#4 /nas/content/live/MYDOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/public/class-wp-stripe-plaid-public.php(365): Wp_Stripe_Plaid_Public->call_stripe(‘500’, ‘USD’, NULL, ‘test in /nas/content/live/MYDOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiResource.php on line 119, referer: https://www.MYDOMAIN.com/ach/MYDOMAIN

    Hey @jwind

    Just touching base. Any thoughts on error above?


    Plugin Author justinwhall


    Hey there. I have not had a chance to look into this yet. It is, however on my radar.

    Morning! Thanks for the update @jwind, keep me posted. Anxious to get this working!

    HI @jwind, I noticed you updated plugin moments ago, I’m already testing it. Finally, a payment went thru using Chase Bank! I did get an error on the 1st test though, I had to log out of wordpress, create new user, then retry it. The php error is below if that helps with next update (I was logged in as site admin at the time). Another thing I noticed last week when testing, if the person making payment forgets to put the decimal point and amount of cents after before connecting to the bank, an error comes back after authentication saying $3 dollar must be $3.00 , and you have to start all over again. Maybe put dollar validation in that field?

    Here is error today before I switch WP user:

    Fatal error:

    Uncaught Stripe\\Error\\InvalidRequest: No such customer: cus_(removed this myself); a similar object exists in test mode, but a live mode key was used to make this request. in /nas/content/live/URL/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiRequestor.php:125 from API request ‘req_0EC5IGJqTMLYyZ’\nStack trace:\n#0 /nas/content/live/URL/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiRequestor.php(99): Stripe\\ApiRequestor::_specificAPIError(‘{\\n “error”: {\\n…’, 404, Array, Array, Array)\n#1 /nas/content/live/URL/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiRequestor.php(310): Stripe\\ApiRequestor->handleErrorResponse(‘{\\n “error”: {\\n…’, 404, Array, Array)\n#2 /nas/content/live/URL/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiRequestor.php(61): Stripe\\ApiRequestor->_interpretResponse(‘{\\n “error”: {\\n…’, 404, Array)\n#3 /nas/content/live/URL/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/ in /nas/content/live/URL/wp-content/plugins/ach-for-stripe-plaid/vendor/stripe/stripe-php/lib/ApiRequestor.php on line 125, referer: https://www.MYURL.com/ach/

    Also, one more thing I noticed, when I updated the plugin through the WP dashboard, it wiped all my STRIPE and Plaid keys, I had to re-enter them. But, I have a fresh demo site I’ve been testing on, default wordpress theme, no other plugins, and that didn’t happen. Not sure why it wiped them on one and not the other. Thought I’d mention it.

    Hi @jwind

    Plain support below, where could I find those? Not sure, I don’t think they appear in my host logs:

    Hi Bryan,

    It sounds like you may have discovered a bug affecting sub-account users at Wells. If you don’t mind, could you please send over the request_id? or link_session_id? associated with the failed Wells Item add? This will allow us to investigate this bug and make sure it gets addressed. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day!

    Plaid Support

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