Integrate Facebook Pixel Event
Hey guys –
It would be super helpful to integrate a Facebook Pixel Event for this. If you change line 162 in really-simple-click-to-call.php to the following, it will create an event called “ClicktoCall” if the site has the FB Pixel installed. This fires any time someone clicks on the button.
echo '<a href="tel:' . $options['click_to_call_number'] . '" onclick="ga(\'send\',\'event\',\'Phone\',\'Click To Call\', \'Phone\'); fbq(\'track\', \'ClicktoCall\');"; style="color:' . $options['click_to_call_color'] . ' !important; background-color:' . $options['click_to_call_bg'] . ';" class="ctc_bar" id="click_to_call_bar""> <span class="icon ctc-icon-phone"></span>' . $options['click_to_call_message'] . '</a>';
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