• Hello together,

    I hope somebody can give me a hint for my problem ;o)

    I’d like to use wordpress for a homepage.
    Because we are more than one developer working on that project, I want to use a cvs system. Everything is installed correctly, but if I enter the cvs-adress for my developing folder, I’m redirect to the origin adress.

    https://www.abc.de – the adress where wordpress is installed
    https://www.abc-mske.de – the adress where my cvs-developing files are

    if I now try to use https://www.abc-mske.de I’m redirected to https://www.abc.de.

    Is there a possibility to deactivate this redirection function? Just to use the entered adress?

    I searched google and the forums already, but no hit :o(

    Perhaps anybody knows that problem and is able to help me… please!


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