interact with wordpress
I do not know how to interact with wordpress / woocommerce and suitCRM users ??
Ubuntu 16.04 lamp environment (wordpress and woocommerce) and sugarcrmsuitecrm-customer-portal plugin configured correctly (Connection successful.)Follow below steps to create these fields in CRM >
1. Create ‘username_c’ and ‘password_c’ fields in Contacts
* Go to Admin -> Studio -> Contacts Module -> Fields -> Add Field
1. Give name and label of the field.
2. Check Required checkbox and click Create.
3. Both fields should be of varchar type.
4. Follow this process for both the fields.2. Place both the fields in Editview and Detailview.
* Go to Admin -> Studio -> Contacts Module -> Layouts -> EditView/DetailView
1. Drag and Drop field from left side panel to desired place.
2. Follow same steps for both Edit and Detail View.Installed packages > WordPress 4.6 | Woocommerce 2.6 | SuiteCRM 7.7.8 | SugarCRMsuite-customer-portal 2.0
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