• Hey guys,

    I’m currently searching for a way to create a website where you can have clickable hotspots on an image.

    I sadly didn’t find a suitable WordPress Plugin by now.

    I thought about using InDesign Publish Online feature, but just the embedded variant of the file isn’t what I’m searching for.

    For better understanding: I want to be able to have an Image, for example with a house and a tree.

    On the house there should be a clickable hotspot (or marker) which I can click and then a pop-up window appears.

    In that pop-up window I want to integrate for example short videoclips or another image with an audio file in the background.

    For much better understanding: here is an website (hopefully it’s allowed to post links, if not I’m sorry!)


    My goal is to achieve something that looks similar to that, just not with 360° pictures, instead just flat images.

    Is there a way to achieve this with a WordPress Plugin? I’ve tried the plugin ImageLinks, but it don’t really works how I want it to be..

    Thanks in advance for every answer!

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  • I submitted a suggestion to the editor team to build a block to allow image hot spots. I haven’t seen anything on that since then, though.
    It seems that you could use the existing Image Links plugin to do what you want, by making the links refer to thickbox (modal overlay) which is built-in to WordPress and just has to be enqueued. There is a plugin Auto Thickbox Plus which does this. But the link has to be to an existing address (image or video or page), not some fragment of HTML that is generated on the fly.

    Just for completeness, image links are standard HTML, but it is difficult to compute the coordinates manually, so they aren’t used for much.

    Thread Starter pjanssen27


    I will definitely have a look at that. Thanks for you answere!
    Really unfortunate that there isn’t a plugin out there, which can help out here.

    Best regards

    Olá, Tudo Bem!
    Adquiri a ferramenta.
    Qaundo adiciono a camada hotspot, com um texto que deveria aparecer quando clicado sobre o hotspot. o texto n?o aparece.
    Após ultilizar o scroll para cima e para baixo a caixa de texto aparece quando clica no hotspot. Porém bloquear os controles de scroll. a caixa de texto n?o aparece.

    Esqueci de comentar, o erro acontece na vers?o mobile!

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